
gāo kōng
  • high altitude;upper air;welkin
高空 [gāo kōng]
  • [upper air;high altitude] 对流层下部以上的大气区域,虽然没有明确的下限,但一般指等压面在850毫巴以上的气层

高空[gāo kōng]
  1. 他们正在高空飞行。

    They were flying at high altitude .

  2. 高空飞行,要身体结实才吃得消。

    One needs a strong physique for high altitude flying .

  3. 飞机在3000米的高空飞行。

    The plane flew at a height of 3 000 metres .

  4. 绳索断了,她从50米的高空摔到了岩石上。

    The rope broke and she fell 50 metres onto the rocks .

  5. 火山把团团热气和灰尘喷向高空。

    The volcano spurted clouds of steam and ash high into the air .

  6. 我们在35000英尺高空飞行。

    We 're flying at 35 000 feet .

  7. 她开球那一杆打了一个高空球。

    She skied her tee shot .

  8. 至少有4架高空飞行战斗机不得不采取避让行动。

    At least four high-flying warplanes had to take evasive action .

  9. 降落伞突然瘪了,他从300英尺的高空跌落到地面。

    He plunged 300ft to the ground when his parachute collapsed

  10. 一股浓烟升到了几英里的高空。

    A dense column of smoke rose several miles into the air .

  11. 长长的一阵紧锣密鼓声中迎来了高空秋千表演者。

    A long drum roll introduced the trapeze artists .

  12. 火焰呼呼地蹿到了几百英尺的高空。

    Flames roared hundreds of feet into the air .

  13. 他们看见一道强光和一个巨大的火球冲向数百英尺的高空。

    They saw a big flash and a huge ball of fire reaching hundreds of feet into the sky

  14. 这是在海拔2,300米的高空,因此一定体积空气的含氧量只有海平面处的约1/3。

    It is 2,300 metres above sea level , so a given volume of air contains only about one-third as much oxygen as it would at sea level

  15. 我们能看到在高空中飞的飞机。

    We can see a plane flying in the clouds .

  16. 他们正在检测高空空气以收集原子爆炸的证据。

    They were monitoring the upper air to collect evidence of atomic explosions .

  17. 工厂的烟囱向高空排烟。

    Factories chimneys discharge smoke into the atmosphere .

  18. 甚至散文都是离奇得无厘头:那是一生都在35000英尺高空的全球贵宾们的多元文化暗语。

    Even the prose is weirdly rootless : the multicultural argot of global VIPs who spend their lives at35,000 feet .

  19. 这类现代化的设备,在3000米的高空上能够测出±0.25℃的热变化。

    Modern equipment of this type is capable of detecting thermal changes of ± 0.25 ℃ at altitudes of up to3000m .

  20. 就在此时,美国宇航局决定通过拍摄黄石公园的照片来测试一些新的高空相机。

    Just at this time NASA decided to test some new high-altitude cameras by taking photographs of Yellowstone .

  21. 我擅长高空飞行。

    I 'm clever at high flying exercises .

  22. 呆在100多米的高空是什么感觉?

    What would it be like to be over 100 meters in the air ?

  23. 遗愿清单并不都是高空跳伞和蹦极之类的活动。

    Bucket lists aren 't all about skydiving and bungee jumping .

  24. 这架飞机在两万英尺的高空飞行。

    The plane flew at an altitude of 20000 feet .

  25. 无论是出发时,还是在三万两千米的高空上,人们都爱自拍。

    On departure , people took selfies . On the plane there were selfies at 32000 meters .

  26. 第一百二十三条从事高空、高压、易燃、易爆、剧毒、放射性、高速运输工具等对周围环境有高度危险的作业造成他人损害的,应当承担民事责任;如果能够证明损害是由受害人故意造成的,不承担民事责任。

    Article 123 If any person causes damage to other people by engaging in operations that are greatly hazardous caused by the victim , he shall not bear civil liability .

  27. 靠近地球表面的空气温度比高空的空气温度要高一些,因此,当水蒸气漂浮到高空时就会被冷却。

    The air near the surface of the earth is warmer than that which is higher up , so when the water-vapour rises very high above the ground , it is cooled .

  28. 就是这个孤单,像一床棉被,盖在很高的高空,随着我房间人数的变化,或低落,或俯冲,或紧缠,或飘扬。

    This loneliness is like a padded cotton quilt , spread out high in the sky . It can be depressing , descending , entwining , or uplifting , depending on the change in the number of people who share my room .

  29. 线阵CCD高空精密定位系统的研究

    Study of Linear CCD High-Sky Fine Locating System

  30. 结果表明,在地空通信中,透射波乃是路径传播的主波,lateral波在高空的远场问题中可以忽略。

    The results reveal that the transmissive wave is the dominant wave for path propagation in ground-sky communication .