
  • 网络history of higher education
  1. 高等教育史研究二题

    Two Issues in the Study of History of Higher Education

  2. 高等教育史研究中历史真理与历史价值的统一

    Unification Historical Truth and Historical Value in Research on History of Higher Education

  3. 总结出了邢台高等教育史的四个高潮。

    Finally , the author summarizes four climaxes in the process of development .

  4. 在教育与历史之间&高等教育史研究四探

    Between education and history : fourth study on the research of Higher Education History

  5. 唐文治是中国近代高等教育史上著名的教育家。

    Tang Wen-zhi was a famous educationist in the Modern History of Chinese Higher Education .

  6. 洪堡的大学理念在高等教育史上有很重要的地位。

    Humboldt 's classic idea of university take an important part in the higher education history .

  7. 从此,中国高等教育史上出现了一所著名的国立高等学府。

    Hence there was a famous National super institution in the history of China higher education .

  8. 州立大学是美国高等教育史上的创举,也是最具美国特色的高等学校。

    The state university is a pioneering undertaking in the history of American higher learning with American characteristics .

  9. 也即,美国高等教育史就是一部高等教育法治史。

    That is to say , the history of higher education is also a history of higher education legislation .

  10. 工农兵学员是1970-1976年中国高等教育史上的特殊现象。

    The Worker-Peasant-Soldier Student is the unique phenomenon in the history of Chinese higher education from 1970 to 1976 .

  11. 赫钦斯担任芝加哥大学校长期间,主持了美国高等教育史上最激进、最彻底、最全面的通识教育改革。

    In the1930s and1940s , President Hutchins led the most radical and thorough general education reform in the American history .

  12. 在美国高等教育史上,通常把南北战争爆发之前这段时期称为学院时代。

    The period of time before the Civil War in the history of American higher education is regarded as the Age of Colleges .

  13. 美国国会1862年颁布的《莫雷尔法案》,是美国高等教育史上最重要的教育法令之一。

    The American Morril Act issued in1862by the Congress is one of the most important educational decrees in the history of American higher education .

  14. 北京辅仁大学虽仅存27年,但它以富有特色的办学活动以及培育出不少精英人才的显著成就,在中国现代高等教育史上写下了浓墨重彩的一笔。

    Despite its short history of only 27 years , Fu Jen University bore an imprint of success in the history of modern Chinese higher education .

  15. 随着高等教育史研究的逐步深入,该学科对丰富和完善高等教育学科具有积极意义,同时将对进一步推进高等教育理论发展发挥重要作用。

    At the same time , further strengthening of the study of higher education history will play an important role in promoting the development of higher education theories .

  16. 2003年底出版的两部《外国高等教育史》,是近年来我国外国高等教育研究领域的重要突破。

    Two books entitled the History of Higher Education in Other Countries , published at the end of 2003 , symbolize a breakthrough in the study of foreign higher education in China .

  17. 从高等教育史的角度,探讨通才教育在新时期高等教育实践中的特殊意义及在中国如何开展通才教育。

    In terms of higher education history , the paper probes into the special meaning of all - rounder education at the new stage and how to develop all - rounder education in China .

  18. 1999年教育部出台了《面向21世纪教育振兴行动计划》,我国正式开始大学扩招,这在我国高等教育史上是一件大事。

    In 1999 , the Ministry of Education introduced the " 21st Century Action Plan for Invigorating Education ", the official start of college enrollment , the history of higher education in China is a big deal .

  19. 在国土沦丧,中华民族救亡图存之际,西南联大成功地完成了坚守中国文化学术阵地的使命,在中国现代文化史和高等教育史上写下了特殊的光辉篇章。

    NSAU , at the critical moment of national crisis , fulfilled its mission : to preserve China 's academic culture despite the war , and thus earned itself a glorious and unique chapter in the annals of China 's modern culture .

  20. 在整个美国高等教育发展史中,哈佛大学扮演了一个无可替代的角色。

    In the entire development history of American higher education , Harvard University plays an irreplaceable role .

  21. 大学生创业教育是我国高等教育发展史上一个新的教育理念和课题。

    Enterprise Education for Students of higher education history of the development of a new educational concepts and issues .

  22. 英国牛津大学素以其悠久的历史、厚重的学术传统和优秀的人才培养质量居于世界高等教育发展史的领先地位。

    As the oldest university in the English-speaking world , Oxford is one of the world 's most influential and international universities .

  23. 在中外高等教育发展史上,文化创新的火焰,往往是在大学校园中点燃起来。

    Development of higher education in the Chinese and foreign history of the flame of cultural innovation , often lit up at the university campus .

  24. 综观中外高等教育发展史,世界一流大学的发展历程无不与众多著名的大学校长紧密相连,杰出的大学校长往往对大学理念都有着深刻的理解。

    An overall view of the history of higher education at home and abroad reveals that the development of a first-rate university is often closely associated with a famous president .

  25. 在高等教育发展史上,普通教育(自由教育、人文教育、通识教育、文化素质教育)和专业教育(职业教育)之间的关系,在不同的历史阶段呈现出分裂与融合的两种状态。

    In the history of the development of high education , the historical relations between general education and special education , presented the current of fission and fusion in different historical periods .

  26. 在中国高等教育发展史上,近代私立大学占有重要地位,理应成为中国教育史研究的重要内容。

    In the history of China 's higher educational development , the modern private university occupies the important position and ought to be the important content of the study of the history of Chinese education .

  27. 德国双元制职业教育以其对社会经济发展做出的巨大贡献而得到人们的认可,其独特的双元制特色是世界高等职业教育发展史上的一朵奇葩。

    Germany Dual-system is one of the representative vocational modes in the world , and its tremendous contribution to the development of social economy is approved by the citizens .

  28. 回顾和反思中国近现代高等教育的发生发展史,可以清晰地看到,中国整个近现代高等教育是在西学东渐、不断向发达国家的高等教育学习借鉴的过程中建立和发展起来的。

    Reviewing on the history of emergency and development of China modern higher education , we can see it clearly that it is established in the course of the western spreading the orient subjects , learning and absorbing the advanced elements in the west education .

  29. 高等教育理论呼唤高等教育史研究

    Study of Higher Education History : A Call from Higher Education Theory

  30. 循历史的脉络,书院作为高等教育的一大源头,是研究高等教育史不能忽视的一个重要领域。

    Academies work , by the line of history , as one source of higher education , which should not be overlooked in the study of higher education history .