
  • 网络hypertensive crisis;hypertension crisis;hypertensive crises;Crisis of hypertension
  1. 目的探讨红细胞内钙(ECa2+)和红细胞变形性(RCD)在高血压危象中的意义及二者之间的关系。

    Objective To study the signifcance and relationship of erythrocyte calcium ( E Ca 2 + ) and red cell deformability ( RCD ) in patients with hypertensive crisis .

  2. 乌拉地尔用于术后高血压危象治疗的临床观察

    The Clinical study of urapidil on post - operative hypertensive crisis

  3. 结果:术前未接受CPAP治疗的25例,术中一过性呼吸困难3例,术后高血压危象5例,原发性出血1例。

    Results : In 25 cases who were not treated before operation , there were dyspnea in 3 cases in the post operation and hypertension crisis in 2 cases and primary , bleeding in 1 case .

  4. 脑栓塞溶栓效果差,高血压危象应为溶栓禁忌证。

    Hypertension crisis should be considered as a contraindication of thrombolysis .

  5. 佩尔地平静脉滴注治疗老年高血压危象的临床研究

    Clinic research on senior hypertension crisis through vein instillation of Perdipine

  6. 静脉应用乌拉地尔治疗高血压危象76例临床观察

    The Clinical Observation of Urapidil Used Intravenous in Patients with Hypertensive Crisis

  7. 高血压危象患者红细胞内钙和红细胞变形性的研究

    Changes of Erythrocyte Calcium and Red Cell Deformability in Patients with Hypertensive Crisis

  8. 高血压危象临床症状有那些?

    Does hypertensive danger have those like clinical symptom ?

  9. 库欣氏症加上压力等于高血压危象。

    Cushing 's plus stress equals hypertensive crisis .

  10. 高血压危象的观察与护理

    Observation and nursing for hypertensive crisis

  11. 高血压危象可以激发凝血因子。

    Hypertensive crisiscan activate clotting factors .

  12. 嗜铬细胞瘤病人术前发生高血压危象的诱因分析及护理对策

    Analysis of precipitating factors of hypertensive crisis of pheochromocytoma patients before accepting operation and its nursing countermeasures

  13. 肝移植术后胆道并发症高危因素分析预防高血压危象,体位性低血压等并发症。

    Analysis of High Risk Factors for Biliary Tract Complication Following Liver Transplantation hypertension and postural hypotension should be prevented .

  14. 目的探讨临床常用的汞柱式血压计测量高血压危象病人血压的误差及原因。

    Objective To explore the difference and cause of measuring blood pressure with mercury sphygmomanometer in patients with hypertensive crisis .

  15. 因术中有促发高血压危象可能,在施行甲状腺切除前应先确诊嗜铬细胞瘤。

    Pheochromocytomas should be identified and removed before thyroidectomy because of the danger of provoking hypertensive crisis during the operation .

  16. 结论佩尔地平治疗老年高血压危象起效快,降压作用平稳,安全性高。

    Conclusion Perdipine has significant therapeutic effects for fast and stable blood pressure reduction as well as high securities on senior hypertension crisis .

  17. 为了观察卡托普利注射液治疗高血压危象的疗效,将46例患者分为两组进行临床对照试验。

    To observe the effect of captopril injectio on hypertensive crisis , 46 patients were divided into 2 groups for clinical control study .

  18. 结果术后出现并发症5例(21.7%),死亡1例(4.3%),无围术期心肌梗塞、高血压危象和酮症酸中毒等。

    Results Postoperative complications occurred in 5 cases ( 21.7 % ) . The hospital mortality rate was 4.3 % ( 1 case ) .

  19. 结果:移植物成功地被植入,高血压危象得到有效控制,胸痛明显缓解。术后随访3月,无任何并发症。

    Result The graft was installed successfully , hypertension crisis was controled effectively , chest pain disappeared , no complications were found during postoperative and 3-month follow-up .

  20. 方法选取高血压危象病人28例,用汞柱式血压计测量肱动脉血压,用有创法测量同一上肢的桡动脉血压并记录桡动脉波形图。

    Method The arterial blood pressure of 28 patients with hypertensive crisis were measured with mercury sphygmomanometer and invasive monitoring , brachial artery with mercury sphygmomanometer , radial artery with invasive monitoring .

  21. 结论:CEC增多及血粘度增高是高血压病和高血压危象形成的重要原因。

    Conclusion : Increased CEC and high blood viscosity were important factors of hypertension and HC .

  22. 方法用自行研制的压力培养箱加不同压力(大气压0mmHg、正常血压120mmHg、高血压180mmHg和高血压危象血压240mmHg)处理原代血管平滑肌细胞24h。

    Methods VSMCs were respectively treated with atmospheric pressure 0 mmHg , normal blood pressure 120 mmHg , high blood pressure 180 mmHg , hypertension crisis blood pressure 240 mmHg in a self-manufactured pressure incubator for 24 hours .

  23. 高血压脑病和高血压危象的护理

    Nursing about hypertensive encephalopathy and hypertensive crisis

  24. 9例伴高血压,其中2例出现高血压危象;11例表现为库兴综合征;

    Patients were accompanied by hypertension with hypertension crisis in 2.11 cases presented Cushing syndrome and 8 with abnormal sex characteristics .

  25. 原发性高血压患者低水平白蛋白尿与亚临床靶器官损害预防高血压危象,体位性低血压等并发症。

    Low-grade Albuminuria and Subclinical Target Organ Damage in Essential Hypertensive Patients hypertension and postural hypotension should be prevented .