
ɡāo sù xínɡ shǐ
  • High speed driving;scorch;burn pavement;burn highway
  1. 他们驾车高速行驶。

    They cruised along in top gear .

  2. 我一路高速行驶时,发动机的噪音只提高了一点点。

    The engine noise rises only slightly as I speed along .

  3. 这辆车高速行驶时噪音很大。

    The car is quite noisy at speed .

  4. 当磨合发动机时,最初的1,000英里里程内尽量不要高速行驶。

    When breaking in an engine , you probably should refrain from high speed for the first thousand miles

  5. 高速行驶时车胎爆炸是很危险的。

    If a tire blows out while one is driving at high speed , it can be very dangerous .

  6. 尽管这是一辆高速行驶的列车,但现在您已经做好了准备,可以更深入地探索UNIX。

    That was a fast-paced class , but now you 're prepared to travel farther into UNIX .

  7. 应用三维建模与ADAMS仿真分析软件,在设计阶段对随行叉车的高速行驶稳定性与道路通过能力进行了分析预测,提出了改进设计的建议,为产品的研制提供了科学依据

    This paper applies 3D model and ADAMS software to analyze traveling stability at high speed and passing capacity of concomitant fork truck at design stage and thus gives advice on improving the design

  8. 主要表现在低端SUV高速行驶时,对其平顺性和操纵稳定性影响较大,降低了乘坐舒适性和行驶主动安全性能。

    Mainly car ride comfort and handling and stability have been significantly affected when car is at a high speed , causing decrease of passenger comfort and active safety performance .

  9. 丰田(Toyota)再遭逆风。媒体纷纷报道,美国加州一位驾驶着普锐斯(Prius)掀背式混合动力车的司机在一条州际公路上高速行驶时,由于油门被卡住而无法减速。

    Toyota has run into further headwinds after widely publicised reports that the driver of a Prius hybrid hatchback in California had trouble slowing his speeding vehicle on an interstate highway after the accelerator jammed .

  10. 为提高汽车高速行驶的交通安全,提出一种新的基于目标安全车距的自适应巡航控制(ACC)方法.它仅通过调节辅助节气门开度和驱动轮制动力矩即可实现。

    A new adaptive cruise control ( ACC ) method based on the desired safety headway distance is investigated for improving the vehicle traffic safety at high speed by regulating the additional throttle opening and braking torque of driving wheels only .

  11. 他在乡下这样高速行驶是没问题的。

    This was all right when he was out in the country .

  12. 汽车高速行驶操纵性柔性多体动力学预测方法

    Flexible multibody system dynamics predicting method of high-speed vehicle handling

  13. 我们的汽车在公路上高速行驶着。

    Our car is driving in a high speed on the highway .

  14. 爆震通常发生在高速行驶时,因此无法听见。

    Knocking usually occurs at high speeds and therefore cannot be heard .

  15. 高速行驶的汽车跃过转弯处,撞车了。

    The speeding car jumped the curve and crashed .

  16. 军用铰接式工程机械高速行驶稳定性研究

    Research on Riding Stability of Articulated Military Engineering Machinery

  17. 杰克正在以每小时120公里的高速行驶。

    Jack is driving his car at a speed of up to120 kph .

  18. 车子在高速行驶时爆胎后一直在路一滑行。

    The car skidded all over the road after a high speed blowout .

  19. 对于高速行驶的汽车来说,轮胎的安全性十分重要。

    The security of the vehicle tire is very important for high-speed vehicle .

  20. 在到达之前,他们的车子保持高速行驶了好几公里。

    Their car kept up high speed for several kilometers before they arrived .

  21. 那辆火车高速行驶。

    The train was going at a rapid rate .

  22. 女性开车时因高速行驶发生撞车而造成人员死亡的可能性也远远低于男性。

    Women are far less likely to have high-speed collisions resulting in death .

  23. 在这些公路上的高速行驶将是一个危险因素。

    To turn at high speed on these lines is a dangerous faktor .

  24. 侧风对高速行驶汽车操纵稳定性影响初探

    Elementary Study on Effect of Side Wind on Stabilization of Vehicle with High Speed

  25. 国产在用客车高速行驶时存在的主要问题及对策

    Main Problems and Countermeasures for the Domestic Buses Now Running on the Motor Way

  26. 同时在电动助力转向控制中引入了阻尼控制,防止在车辆高速行驶或路面不平时,出现的转向盘振荡。

    The damp control is also introduced to prevent the surge of the steering wheel .

  27. 两列火车均出于高速行驶中。

    Both were traveling at high speed .

  28. 在湿的路面高速行驶是很危险的。

    It is very dangerous to drive at high speed when the roads ate wet .

  29. 而两车之间的速度更是影响复数车辆高速行驶工况安全性的重要因素。

    The velocity between the two vehicles is the major security factors in this course .

  30. 它需要在陡峭弯曲的山路上高速行驶。

    It demands to be driven at high speed , on hilly , winding roads .