
  • 网络Kaohsiung;Kaohsiung Harbor;Port of Kaohsiung;Kaohsiung port
  1. 几年前,除了由卡车运送的自行车,这座大桥上没有别的自行车通过。卡车上的那些自行车是从台湾企业捷安特(Giant)工厂运往高雄港供出口的,该公司是全球最大的自行车制造商。

    A few years ago , no bicycle would be on the bridge , unless on a lorry bound from the factories of the Taiwanese company Giant , the world 's largest bicycle maker , to the port of Kaohsiung for export .

  2. 从高雄港临水空间走去,其经验是美妙的。

    By water from the Port of Kaohsiung , the approach is spectacular .

  3. 高雄港在全球集装箱港排名下滑的原因及对策

    The Descending Reason And Countermeasures Of Kaohsiung Reorder In The World Container Port

  4. 本文后续建议高雄港必须持续采取极具灵活的市场策略与奖励措施以降低航商营运成本,吸引航商根留高雄港。

    Finally , suggestions are proposed that we must adopt variable market-strategies and reward-measures to diminish the operation costs and attract the container carriers at Kaohsiung port .

  5. 关于目前二大奖励优惠措施之主要成效,其确实可降低航商在高雄港之营运成本,并可增加整体作业柜量,吸引航商将高雄港做为区域性船舶及空柜调度中心。

    For the effect of reward measures , It indeed could decrease the port operation cost and increase the throughputs , construct the reposition center of empty boxes in Kaohsiung .

  6. 上海港和釜山港、高雄港之间未来东北亚枢纽港地位的竞争,宁波港集装箱运输的快速发展对上海港发展造成的影响;

    Shanghai Harbor and Pusan Port , Kaohsiung Port future Northeast Asian hub port status competition , the rapid development of container transport of Ningbo Port to Shanghai Port development impact ;

  7. 高雄港港务局务长程建宇表示,港务局正在扩大吞吐量,为更多游船以及从大陆向西方运输商品并需要短暂停留的货船提供服务。

    The port authority is expanding capacity to serve more cruises and cargo ships that shuttle goods from China to the west and need a stop-off , says Cheng Chien-Yu , harbourmaster .

  8. 然而众所周知,东北亚地区港口的竞争态势至今尚未明朗化,尤其是为了争夺东北亚国际航运中心的地位,上海港、釜山港和高雄港之间的较量更是日趋白热化。

    However , it is well-known that the situation of competition among the ports around Northeast Asia is still obscure and that the competition for the International Shipping Centre of Northeast Asia among Shanghai Port , Busan Port and Kaohsiung Port is especially drastic .

  9. 而首批台湾船定于周一中午从高雄和基隆港出发,前往大陆港口。

    The first Taiwanese ships were scheduled to leave from Kaohsiung and Keelung harbors for Chinese mainland ports about noon Monday .