
  • 网络high frequency component;frequency components;HF component
  1. 结果表明,波的能量主要集中在低频分量10Hz以下,并且Fourier谱在高频分量处高估波谱能量,在低频分量处低估波谱能量。

    It is clearly shown in the comparison that the wave energy mainly concentrates on low frequency component below 10 Hz and the Fourier spectrum overestimates wave energy on high frequency component and underestimates it on low frequency component .

  2. 指出分布电容在短路暂态过程中引起的振荡高频分量,可以导致快速母差保护拒动,其影响在保护设计时应引起重视。RCS-915型母差保护装置的保护方案考虑了线路分布电容的影响。

    The high frequency component caused by distributed capacitance in transient process , may result in maloperation of busbar differential protections , which should be taken seriously in designing of RCS-915 differential protection .

  3. 从理论上分析了CCD的非线性产生高频分量的原因,给出了简单的物理解释和解析推导。

    The cause to high order spectrum produced by the nonlinearity of CCD was analyzed through theory .

  4. 水对P波动力学特征的影响是十分显著的,它将使P波振幅减小,振幅谱中的高频分量减少。

    The P wave kinetic characteristics were greatly affected by water . The existence of water decreases P wave amplitude and high frequency composition of amplitude spectrum .

  5. 均衡器的作用相当于一个高通滤波器,采用CapacitiveDegeneration结构补偿信号所需的高频分量损耗。

    Equalizer adapts the Capacitive Degeneration structure . It functions as a high pass filter which will compensate the high frequency loss .

  6. 运动心电信号中QRS复合波内的异常高频分量的检测方法研究

    The Development of an Extracting Method for High Frequency Components of Abnormal Intra-QRS of Exercise ECG Signal

  7. 用数字散斑干涉术时间平均法测得的物体表面稳态振动,可描述为受高频分量调制的零阶Bessel函数。

    The time-averaged speckle pattern of vibration can be described as a zero-order bessel function by high frequency modulation .

  8. LBG算法对高频分量有平滑效果,因此降低了分辨率;

    Secondly , it reduces the resolution ratio for the LBG algorithm ` s smoothing on the high frequency component .

  9. 这种方法将EMD分解与Hilbert变换相结合,自适应地提取原始EEG信号中包含棘波特征的高频分量。

    It extracts the high frequency components related to spikes in EEG signal by EMD method . It detects the spikes by calculating the instantaneous amplitude of the high component with Hilbert transform .

  10. 本文利用小波分析对空调冷负荷序列进行分解,提取出低频和高频分量,分别对其采用BP网络进行预测,最后加以合成,通过与BP网络预测的对比,可知小波-BP网络预测的效果更好。

    In this thesis , decomposed cooling load series to low-frequency and high-frequency by wavelets , forecast with BP neural network respectively , synthesize finally . Contrast with the BP network method , the forecasting results by wavelet-BP network is much better than BP network .

  11. 对地震数据应用静校正高频分量后,t0零点对应于等效低速带的顶界面;

    The zero point of t 0 value corresponds to top interface of equivalent LVZ after application of the high-frequency components of statics to seismic data ;

  12. 用小波变换对海流观测的高频分量进行了分析,分离出10~20min周期的高频内波信号,U方向和V方向的信号在不同的时间有所差异。

    High frequency current part analyzed by WT reveals some internal wave signals , whose period is about 10 ~ 20 minutes . The high frequency signals of U-component and V-component are different during different time periods .

  13. 非线性波浪的高频分量容易诱发海洋结构物产生spnnging和ringing现象,且随着水深的增加而加剧,对结构的安全性有很大的影响。

    Springing and ringing phenomena are easily induced by high-frequency wave components for marine structures , which is aggravating with the increase of water depth . Springing and ringing phenomena has a great influence on the safety of the structure .

  14. 有质动力的产生是由于泵波与Langmuir波(离子声波)的耦合而且它是参量不稳定过程的策动力,另外有质动力不仅存在高频分量,还存在低频分量。

    In addition it can be concluded that ponderomotive force due to the coupling of the external field ( pump ) and Langmuir wave ( ion-acoustic wave ) is the driving force to excite the parametric instability and comprises the high-and low-frequency components .

  15. 介绍了应用样条函数插值的方法来提取运动心电信号中异常QRS复合波内高频分量,并定义了残余信号的QRSε作为衡量指标,取得较好的结果。

    This article introduces a method of extracting high frequency components of abnormal intra QRS of exercise ECG signal by using spline function interpolation algorithm , and defines QRS ε of the residual signal as quantitative index . Some expected results have been obtained .

  16. 因此,传统聚焦评价函数通常选取高频分量作为量度。

    Therefore , traditional FMFs select high components as the measurement .

  17. 用压力波动的小波高频分量检测燃烧不稳定性

    The Combustion Instability Detection Using the Wavelet Detail of Pressure Fluctuations

  18. 丘脑腹外侧核切开术对震颤高频分量的影响

    The impact of ventrolateral thalamotomy on highfrequency components of tremor

  19. 利用脑电空间高频分量分离深、浅层偶极子源

    Separating Deep and Shallow Dipole Sources Using Higher Spatial Frequency Components of the EEG

  20. 说明通过截止区主要是高于截止频率的高频分量。

    It illuminates that the main part which transit cutoff region is high-frequency ponderance .

  21. 陈述了变电站隔离开关动作时产生的瞬变电磁场对变电站二次设备及电子设备的危害,归纳出该瞬变电磁场持续时间短、幅值大及含有大量高频分量的特征;

    The characteristics of transient electromagnetic fields caused by operation of disconnector are described .

  22. 基于小波高频分量的边缘检测方法

    Edge Detection Based on High-frequency Component of Wavelet

  23. 对非线性外推图像增强算法进行分析,充分考虑图像高频分量的局部特征,提出一种新的非线性滤波剪切策略包络阈值剪切算法。

    An improved image enhancement algorithm by contour threshold nonlinear extrapolation in frequency space was proposed .

  24. 其目的是增加图像的高频分量,同时减少成像过程中的各种退化。

    The goal is to increasing the high frequency components and removing degradations caused by imaging process .

  25. 针对燃烧不稳定性检测问题,提出利用燃烧压力波动的小波高频分量检测燃烧不稳定性的方法。

    A combustion instability detection method that uses the wavelet detail of combustion pressure fluctuations was put forward .

  26. 时变的占空比不仅影响着电流纹波高频分量的幅值,而且使其频谱不再单一。

    The amplitude of the current ripple and its frequency component are both influenced by the time-varying duty cycle .

  27. 利用小波变换具有空频局部化和多分辨率的特点,在各级高频分量中分析异常特征。

    Based on wavelet transform spatial frequency localization and multi-resolution , we analyzed Anomaly characteristic in each high frequency components .

  28. 针对两幅原图像变换所得的高频分量,提出一种新的细节提取方法。

    According to the high-frequency coefficients obtained by the transformation , this paper proposes a new method of minutia extraction .

  29. 基于图像的重光照需要大量采样图像,而且难于重建表面光照的高频分量。

    Image-based relighting requires many samples , and hard to rebuild the high-frequency components of the light on the surface .

  30. 反过来,我们也可以通过加强其高频分量的办法,来突出一张有些模糊的照片的细节。

    In contrast , we could sharpen up the details in a slightly blurred photo by emphasizing its high-frequency components .