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  1. 3000年前,中国人称匈尼亚为鬼方。

    3000 years ago , Chinese call the honia as demon-land .

  2. 笔者经多方考析,大胆立论,提出鬼方及其后裔赤狄是印欧人种的观点,以期推动早期东西文化交流史和山西古代史的深入研究。

    By analysis and bold verdict , I have put forward the view that Guifang and their descendants & Chidi are are from Indo-European race .

  3. 秦汉到隋唐时期,具有代表性的《刘涓子鬼遗方》、《传信方》等书,为外科发展的理论基础。

    Qin han to sui and tang dynasties , the typical " LiuJuanZi ghost left prescription ", " messaging square " wait for a book , the theoretical basis for surgical development .