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ɡuǐ hún chónɡ bài
  • animism
  1. 中国古代的鬼魂崇拜及其文化影响

    Inquiry into the Worship of Spirits and Its Cultural Influence of Ancient China

  2. 祖先崇拜是鬼魂崇拜的产物,是鬼魂崇拜的一种形式。

    Ancestor worship was the outcome of worship of ghost and a kind of form of ghost worship .

  3. 另一种祭祀方式是祭祖,也被称为鬼魂崇拜。

    It actually was a kind of nature worship.Another kind of worship was ancestor worship , also called soul worship .

  4. 《左传》保存了诸如自然、农神、鬼魂崇拜以及征兆、怪异、卜筮、解梦、预言等丰富的宗教现象和活动。

    Zuozhuan includes religious phenomenon and activities adoring nature and agricultural god , spirit and sign , unusual being , heralding , divining etc.

  5. 中国茶祭有着悠久的历史和传统,它源于鬼魂崇拜,基础是孝悌观念,表现形式也很丰富。

    In China there has been a long history and tradition with Tea Worship , which was originated from the idea of soul worship and filial piety .

  6. 这类故事的产生和流传有悠久的鬼魂崇拜和生殖崇拜的遗迹,古老的冥婚习俗也为其提供直接来源。

    The production and spread of these stories is the vestiges of the worship of spirits and reproduction , the ancient custom of marriage in the hades provides the direct source .

  7. 祖先崇拜是鬼魂崇拜和人的血亲观念相结合的产物,积淀着人类思维发展过程的?

    The worship of ancestry is a product of combining the worship of ghost with the concept of consanguinity . It deposited the rich content in the development of human thinking .

  8. 第二章,原始宗教意识对干宝神道思想的影响,分别细化为自然崇拜、鬼魂崇拜、祖先崇拜和生殖崇拜等原始宗教形式与万物有灵的信仰意识。

    For chapter 2 , the effect of primitive religious consciousness on the Shinto concept of Kan Pao presented the faith awareness of animism and the primitive religion in the form of naturism , ghost worship and manism as well as phallicism , respectively .

  9. 古代统治者利用人们对鬼魂观念的崇拜,把君权神化,又以祭祀祖先的礼仪教化百姓,同时加强了以共同血缘关系为纽带的统治集团的内部团结。

    Making use of the worship of the concept of ghost that people had , the ancient rulers gained their divine right of king . They educated their people by sacrificing for their ancestors and strengthened the internal solidarity of their own ruling group based on their blood bond .