
  • 网络Wegmann;William Wegman;Wiegman;wegman
  1. 魏格曼开拓的表现主义舞蹈,不断追求舞蹈艺术的独立与自由。

    German expressive dance , exploited by Rudolf Laban and Mary Wigman , constantly pursued its independence and freedom .

  2. 和夺得2012年伦敦残奥会游泳金牌、腰部以下瘫痪的马洛里?魏格曼,现年24岁。

    and Mallory Weggemann , 24 , paralyzed below the waist , who won a gold medal in swimming at the 2012 Paralympics in London .

  3. 5年前一次(缓解带状疱疹疼痛的)硬膜注射失败让魏格曼的双腿丧失了运动功能。

    Weggemann lost use of her legs five years ago after an epidural injection ( for relief of pain following a case of shingles ) went wrong .