
  1. 可是纳伯鱼族从来就没有游到那么高的地方过。他们的鱼鳍实在是太小了,他们的尾巴松软又下垂,根本不可能做到。

    But gnarbles never swam that high , their fins were much too small , their tails were thin and floppy , which didn 't help at all .

  2. 在第一章“神话再临篇”中,动感的舞台游来一群快乐的鱼儿,他们以鱼族特有的方式,表演着快乐的《水上芭蕾》;

    In the first chapter ," Coming of articles myth ", the dynamic arena tour to a group of happy fish , their unique approach to the fish family , performing with a happy " water ballet ";

  3. 唯一最大问题就是该店太小,鲗鱼涌的上班族来到,就没办法好好饮一杯咖啡。

    The only big problem is that the place is so small , there 's nowhere to sip a coffee once the Quarry Bay office hordes descend .