
  1. 本文在对鲁剧概念进行界定之后,梳理了鲁剧的历史发展脉络轨迹。

    This paper reviews the historical development trajectory of Lu drama after defining the concept of it .

  2. 鲁剧如今已成为一种繁荣的文化现象,成为社会各界广泛认可的文化品牌。

    Lu drama now has become a thriving cultural phenomenon and a cultural brand widely recognized by all communities of the society .

  3. 文章的主体部分首先从传播学理论角度分析鲁剧传播的媒介环境与新社会文化语境。

    The main part of the article firstly analyzed the media environment and the new social and cultural context of Lu drama from the perspective of communication theory .

  4. 然而,与电视荧屏前反响热烈形成较大反差的是,将鲁剧作为研究对象的学术研究成果为数尚少。

    However , with the warm response before the TV screen forming bigger contrast is , the academic research on Lu drama as the object of study is still rare .

  5. 再次,以媒介的社会功能说为理论支撑,提炼归纳出鲁剧集中体现出的传播效果和社会功能,揭示鲁剧的美学精神和社会文化意蕴,叩问其在意识形态上的深刻影响。

    Next , the paper take the social function of the media as theoretical support , concluding the effect of communication and social functions Lu drama reflects , revealing the aesthetic spirit and the socio-cultural implication , to inquire its profound impact on the ideology .