
  • 网络Lu Su;ls-zhsg
鲁肃 [lǔ sù]
  • [Lu Su] 字子敬,孙权的重要谋士和将领

  1. 然后让鲁肃为他保守秘密。

    He then swore Lu Su to secrecy .

  2. 第三天四更时分,诸葛亮密请鲁肃到船上。

    In the small hours of the third day , Zhuge Liang invited Lu Su for a boat ride .

  3. 一天,主帅鲁肃来拜访吕蒙,惊讶地发现吕蒙变得很有学问。

    On day , Military Governor Lu Su visited Lv Meng and was surprised to find that Lv Meng had become very knowledgeable .

  4. 鲁肃又来见诸葛亮,第一天不见动静,第二天也不动。

    When Lu Su came again to see Zhuge Liang , he did not find anything unusual . Nothing happened on the second day either .

  5. 迄今他的下落全然未知。孙权派鲁肃以吊唁刘表之名与刘备会面,商讨联合抗曹的事情。

    His whereabouts have been utterly unknown s o far pay respect to the name of Liu Biao and Liu Bei to meet to discuss joint anti-Cao things .

  6. 周瑜一边吩咐士兵不给诸葛亮准备制作箭的材料,一面让谋士鲁肃偷偷窥探他的动静。

    On the one hand , Zhou Yu ordered his troops not to provide Zhuge Liang with materials to make the arrows . He also sent Lu Su to spy on him to find out what was going on .