
  1. 鲁迅日记中的几个重要问题

    Several Key Problems in the Study of LuXun 's Diaries

  2. 据报刊发表的年月及《鲁迅日记》,本篇写作时间当在一九一九年十一月。

    According to his Diary , and date of publishing , this story was written in the Nov.1919 .

  3. 鲁迅《狂人日记》提出了封建文化“吃人”的思想命题。

    Lu Xun 's Diary of A Madman raises an ideological topic of " eating man " of feudal culture .

  4. 疯人与文化叛逆者的寓言&兼论鲁迅《狂人日记》的艺术方法及其渊源

    Parables of Madmen and Cultural Rebels ── Also on the Artistic Techniques and Sources of Lu Xun 's A Madman 's Diary

  5. 是人吃人还是礼教吃人?&论鲁迅《狂人日记》的主题

    Is it Man that Eats Man or Feudal Ethical Code that Eats Man ? & On the Subject of Luxun 's Madman 's Diary

  6. 吃人命题的世纪苦旅&从鲁迅《狂人日记》到莫言《酒国》

    A Painful Century Journey of the Theme of " Man-Eating " & From Diary of a Madman written by Lu Xun to Wine Land written by Mo Yan ;

  7. 鲁迅的《狂人日记》与中国家族制度刍议

    A Study of Lu Xun 's A Madman 's Diary and China 's Style of Family

  8. 鲁迅的《狂人日记》是现代中国文学的第一部短篇小说。

    A madman 's diary , written by Lu xun , was the first short story in moden Chinese literature .

  9. 鲁迅的《狂人日记》与《长明灯》等作品,通过对狂人的境遇的描述揭示了传统文化的荒谬本质。

    In Lu Xun 's short stories , The Diary of a Madman and The Forever Ignited Lantern , the writer has uncovered the absurdity of traditional culture by describing the destiny of the madman .

  10. 鲁迅的《狂人日记》不但自传统汲取养分,也将传统创造性转化,其革新与改造奠定了现代小说发展的基础,是中国现代文学的第一块基石。

    Bedlamite Diary not only absorbed nutrition from tradition but also transformed the conventional " creation " . Its innovation and creation layed a foundation for the modem novels and became the first footstone of China 's modem literature .

  11. 又从文体的角度,着重探讨了时间、时间观念、时间意识与中国现代日记及日记体文学的关系,分析了鲁迅的《狂人日记》采用日记体形式的时间性意义;

    And in terms of style , I discuss the relationship between time , time concept , time consciousness and Chinese modern diaries and diaristic literature emphatically , and analyze the time meaning of the diaristic style of A Mad Man ' Diaries written by Lu Xun .

  12. 沉默鲁迅(19091917)思想建构的一份补证对《怀旧》及鲁迅相关日记的细读性分析

    A Supplementary Argumentation for the Thought Construction of Silent Lu Xun & As a Detailed Analysis of Nostalgia and the Related Diary of Lu Xun