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  1. 战斗结束后,鲁庄公问曹刿胜利的原因。

    After the battle , the king asked Cao Gui the reason for his odd advice .

  2. 鲁哀公问:“你教导的学生中,哪个热心向学?”

    Duke Ai of State of Lu asked Confucius : " Which of your disciples is eager to learn ?"

  3. 在郭店楚简《鲁穆公问子思》与《孟子》的比较研究中,可以探讨思孟学派理想人格何以建立的哲学要义。

    In the comparison between Lumugong Questioning Zisi and Mencius , we can research the key thought of the Simeng School for constructing the ideal personality .

  4. 后来鲁庄公问曹刿,为甚麽敌军擂过三遍鼓以后,曹刿才命令鲁军擂鼓。

    Afterwards , Lord Juang asked Tsau Guei why he had waited until the enemy had struck their drum three times before ordering the Lu army to strike their once .