
  • 网络Borisov;Borissov;Barysaw
  1. 在欧元区看起来即将解体的时候,她曾告诉保加利亚总理博伊科•鲍里索夫(BoykoBorisov),“玛雅和其他文明”消失了。

    When it looked as if the euro would collapse she told Bulgaria 's prime minister Boyko Borisov that the " Maya and other civilisations " had disappeared .

  2. 鲍里索夫先生希望通过一项计划可以在本月大选中为他的政党带来胜利。

    Mr Borisov hopes that a big road-building programme will bring his party , Citizens for the European Development of Bulgaria , victory in this month 's elections .