  • salmon;trout;a surname
  • 鱼类的一科,身体大,略呈纺锤形,肉味美,种类很多,常见的有大马哈鱼,是重要的经济鱼类。

  • 古书上鱼类菜肴的总称。


(姓氏) a surname:

  • 鲑越

    Kui Yue

  1. 我点了一份精品去骨鲑鱼片。

    I ordered a fine fillet of salmon .

  2. 鲑跃于瀑,鲭相摩于海洋。

    The salmon-falls , the mackerel-crowded seas .

  3. 采用30对微卫星引物对哲罗鲑与细鳞鲑亲本及F1进行遗传分析。

    30 microsatellite primers were used for genetic analysis on relationship between F1 hybrids and their parents .

  4. 哲罗鲑生殖周期中血清卵黄蛋白原浓度的ELISA检测鲑鱼鱼精蛋白酶解产物中抗氧化活性肽的分离纯化研究

    Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay ( ELISA ) of vitellogenin during reproductive cycle of taimen ( Hucho taimen ) PURIFICATION AND CHARACTERIZATION OF ANTIOXIDATIVE PEPTIDES FROM SALMON PROTAMINE HYDROLYSATE

  5. 鲑降钙素类似物[Glu~(31),Pr~o(32)-N(C2H5)2]sCT的合成、二级结构及活性研究

    Studies on synthesis , secondary structure and hypocalcemic potency of salmon calcitonin analogue [ Glu 31 , Pro 32 N ( C 2H 5 ) 2 ] sCT

  6. 如果另一次大水如预计一般把泄漏的石油又推回了河里,这可能会对河中的鱼类资源构成威胁,蒙大拿州鲑鳟类保护协会执行理事BF称。

    If another surge of water pushes oil further into back channels as expected , it could be a potential threat to fisheries , said Bruce Farling , executive director of Trout Unlimited 's Montana chapter .

  7. 旧金山门-它的消失有机今年,从烟熏鲑养殖osetra鱼子酱pizzas数组的tapas,海鲜,寿司及最后,有机巧克力雕像。

    San Francisco Gate-It 's gone organic this year , from the smoked salmon and farm-raised osetra caviar pizzas to an array of tapas , seafood , sushi and finally , organic chocolate statues .

  8. 不过,不论原因如何,有时会渴望鲑肉的Largeman认为,当这种渴望出现时,你都应该去满足它。

    Yet regardless of the reason , Largeman who craves salmon sometimes thinks you should satisfy a craving when it strikes .

  9. 北美西部具黑斑的鲑科游钓鱼类,学名为Salmoclarki。美洲黑石斑鱼营养成分分析与营养价值评价

    " Black-spotted game fish ( Salmo clarki ) of the salmon family , found in western North America . " Analysis of Nutrient and Evaluation of Nutritional Value for Centropristis striata

  10. 哲罗鲑(Huchotaimen)是我国重要的冷水性鱼类,其全人工繁殖和苗种驯化问题得到解决后,哲罗鲑的人工养殖得到了进一步推广,为我们带来了良好的经济效益和社会效益。

    Hucho taimen ( Pallas ) is a kind of indigenous and endangered cold-water fish in China . Since the problems of artificial propagation and larval fish domestication were solved , its artificial cultivation brings in good economic benefit .

  11. 鲑降钙素+钙剂治疗原发性骨质疏松症的护理干预

    Nursing Intervention in Primary Osteoporosis Treated with Salmon Calcitonin and Calcium

  12. 人工养殖陆封型大西洋鲑的生物学特性

    Biological characters of landlocked Atlantic salmon Salmo salar in artifcial culture

  13. 陆封型大西洋鲑发眼卵孵化及苗种培育试验

    Study on eyed eggs incubation and larvae rearing of land-locked Atlantic salmon

  14. 国产与进口鲑降钙素喷鼻剂的药效学比较

    Comparison of imported and self-prepared salmon calcitonin spray in pharmacodynamics

  15. 延安地区虹鲑养殖实验初报

    The first experimental report on salmon breading in Yanan District

  16. 这里有许多的走私者,通过不合法途径将鲑鱼子酱贩卖到俄国大陆。

    There are numerous poachers which deliver caviar illegally to the continent Russia .

  17. 鲑降钙素经鼻干粉吸入剂的制备及评价

    Preparation and Evaluation of Salcatonin Nasal Dry Powder Inhalation

  18. 鲑降钙素吸入粉雾剂的制备及其药剂学性质研究

    Preparation and pharmaceutical properties of salcatonin dry powder inhalations

  19. 那鲑鱼肉的颜色为什么又粉又橙呢?

    So what about the pinkish-orange color of salmon ?

  20. 它就是只生长在台湾的樱花钩吻鲑。

    It 's a salmon found only in Taiwan .

  21. 杀鲑气单胞菌单克隆抗体的制备及其特性分析

    Production and Characterization of Monoclonal Antibodies against Aeromonas Salmonicida

  22. 北美西部的一种大的、直立的、开红花的悬钩子,结鲑肉粉红色的巨大浆果。

    Large erect red-flowered raspberry of western North America having large salmon-colored berries .

  23. 鲑和海鳟把河的上游作为产卵场。

    Salmon and sea trout use the upper river as a spawning ground .

  24. 5种鲑科鱼类免疫球蛋白轻链序列分析

    A Study on Light Chain Sequence of IgM in Five Species of Salmonidae

  25. 根据鲑鱼降钙素基因的序列,合成了鲑降钙素基因。

    Calcitonin gene was synthesized according to the sequence of salmon Calcitonin gene .

  26. 美丽的小渔村,闻名的河流,著名的鲑。

    Pretty fishing villages , fish farming , famous rivers and the noble salmon .

  27. 颜色还可以和鲑、石和松这样的物体产生关联。

    Colours can also relate to objects like salmon , stone and pine tree .

  28. 陆封型大西洋鲑肌肉营养成分分析

    An analysis on the nutritive compositive in muscle of Landlocked Atlantic salmon Salmon salar

  29. 据报道,北美西海岸的所有大西洋鲑(Oncorhynchusspp.)

    On the west coast of North America .

  30. 鲑鳟豆腐、鲑鳟豆腐制品的研制

    A processing method of the bean curd & the bean products with rainbow trout