
guān fū
  • widower;old bachelor;bachelor or widower;a aged and wifeless man;an old wifeless man
鳏夫 [guān fū]
  • (1) [widower;old bachelor]∶ 妻子死亡未再结婚的男人

  • 泼留希金就象一切鳏夫一样,急躁,吝啬,猜疑了起来。--《泼留希金》

  • (2) [a aged and wifeless man]∶老而无妻的人

鳏夫[guān fū]
  1. 寡妇似乎比鳏夫更痛苦。

    Widows seem to experience more distress than do widowers .

  2. 当然啦,若是有相同境遇的男子,则称为“运动鳏夫”。

    The male equivalent is , of course , the exercise widower1 .

  3. 乔治是个带著六个小孩子的鳏夫。

    George was a widower with six young children .

  4. 他的早期代表作品包括《鳏夫的房产》,《沃伦夫人的职业》的主题是对妇女们经济上的压迫

    His works contain Widowers ' House , Mrs. Warren 's Profession , a play about the economic oppression of women .

  5. Widower(鳏夫)一词是十四世纪造出来的。

    Widower is a 14th century coinage .

  6. 这个家庭的一家之主名叫库珀(Cooper,马修·麦康纳[MatthewMcConaughey]饰),他是一个鳏夫,与两个孩子和岳父(约翰·利特高[JohnLithgow])一起生活。

    The head of the family in question is Cooper ( Matthew McConaughey ), a widower who lives with his two children and his father-in-law ( John Lithgow ) .

  7. 1989年,他在《死亡诗社》里扮演激励人心的英语老师JohnKeating。1991年,他在《渔王》中扮演精神失常的流浪汉鳏夫。这两个角色都为他赢得了奥斯卡提名。

    He added more Oscar nominations for his performance as the inspirational English literature teacher John Keating in 1989 's " Dead Poets Society " and for playing a mentally ill homeless man mourning the loss of his wife in 1991 's " The Fisher King . "

  8. 你还要继续当个鳏夫生活下去?

    Will you go on living so as a widower ?

  9. 连年迈的寡妇和鳏夫都选择独自生活。

    Even elderly widows and widowers choose to live on their own .

  10. 殿下已经做了五年鳏夫了。

    His Highness has been a widower for five years .

  11. 寡妇人数是鳏夫人数的五倍。

    There are five times as many widows as widowers .

  12. 我先生是个鳏夫,曾经是。

    My husband , he 's a widower . Or was a widower .

  13. 对鳏夫而言,第二次婚姻也更为脆弱。

    Second marriages are also more fragile for widowers .

  14. 你,迟早会变成个鳏夫。

    You , after all , are going to be the merry widower .

  15. 她的父亲,一个从北京退休的鳏夫,到美国来看她。

    Her father , a retired widower from Beijing , arrives to visit her .

  16. 鳏夫独子两个孙辈

    Widower , one son , two grandkids .

  17. 他52岁时成了鳏夫。

    He was widowed at the age of52 .

  18. 以前的房客嫁给了一位有钱的鳏夫。

    The previous tenant married a rich widower .

  19. 那个鳏夫整个晚上坐着向一个混血少女以目传情。

    The widower sat casting sheep 's eyes at a half-caste girl all the evening .

  20. 他看起来就象一个角状的鳏夫。

    He iooks Iike a horny widower .

  21. 他是一个眼睛滴溜溜乱转,道德水准和一条野狗差不多的鳏夫。

    He is a widower with a roving eye and the morals of a stray dog .

  22. 艾玛·福克,鳏夫是约瑟夫·福克,能查到什么

    Emma Falk . Grieving husband is Joseph Falk . What do we have on him ?

  23. 参加所有高中和大学的同学会,说不定有些鳏夫在那。

    Go to all reunions of your high school or college class . There may be widowers there .

  24. 有同情心的鳏夫,因为要抚养孩子而没时间去约会。

    The sympathetic widower who doesn ' 't have time to date because he ' 's raising a kid .

  25. 而且通常都是嫁给一些拥有大农场和大群孩子的老鳏夫呢。

    And then it 's generally to some desperate old widower with a large plantation and a dozen children .

  26. 很可能,鳏夫之欣赏其第二任妻子,差不多等于寡妇之欣赏其前夫的人寿保险。

    Probably a widower enjoys a second wife as much as a widow enjoys her husband 's life insurance .

  27. 他们不停地胁迫鳏夫的家族,直到村里的一位支尔格[3]长老出面调停。

    They threatened the widower 's family until a jirga was called of village elders to resolve the dispute .

  28. 例如,一到乡下,这个老鳏夫总是按时上教堂,没一个人比他更虔诚。

    No man , for instance , went more regularly to church when in the country than the old bachelor .

  29. 住在那底下的海王已经做了好多年的鳏夫,但是他有老母亲为他管理家务。

    The Sea King had been a widower for many years , and his aged mother kept house for him .

  30. 西克尔斯的荒淫最终导致他的妻子特丽莎投向了一个名叫菲利普·巴顿·凯的年轻鳏夫的怀抱,他是一名华盛顿地区的检察官。

    Sickles 's antics ultimately led his wife , Teresa , into the arms of a handsome young widower , Philip Barton Key .
