  • trout
  • 〔~鱼〕体侧扁,形略似鲑鱼,全身有显著的黑点。常栖海中,夏季上溯于河产卵,秋末又入海。肉可食,为养殖的名贵鱼种。

  • (鱒)


{动} (鳟鱼) trout:

  • 虹鳟

    rainbow trout

  1. 本研究采用原子吸收分光光度法(AAS)和气相渗透压仪测定了人工养殖美国金鳟和日本鳗鲡精浆的化学组成和渗透压。

    Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometry ( AAS ) and gas phase osmometer were conducted to analyse the chemical composition and osmotic pressure of seminal plasma of cultured golden trout and Japanese eel .

  2. 如果另一次大水如预计一般把泄漏的石油又推回了河里,这可能会对河中的鱼类资源构成威胁,蒙大拿州鲑鳟类保护协会执行理事BF称。

    If another surge of water pushes oil further into back channels as expected , it could be a potential threat to fisheries , said Bruce Farling , executive director of Trout Unlimited 's Montana chapter .

  3. 人工养殖美国金鳟与日本鳗鲡相比,精浆离子含量各项指标除K含量较高之外(P<0.01),其它各项指标均无显著性差异。

    Potassium was higher in golden trout than in Japanese eel ( P < 0.01 ), but there were no significant differences for the other ions .

  4. 对相同饲养条件下经产虹鳟和初产金鳟亲鱼自然成熟产卵群体生物学特性及其成熟鱼卵中四种不饱和脂肪酸(亚油酸、亚麻酸、EPA、DHA)组成含量进行分析比较。

    The biology characteristic of female mature fish Salmo gairdneri Richardson 、 Oncorhynchus mykiss and content of four polyunsaturated fatty acid ( PUFA ) in its spawn were analysed and studied .

  5. 山女鳟人工受精孵化技术初步研究

    The preliminary research on artificial fertilization technology of Oncorhynchus masou masou

  6. 金鳟常见疾病与防治

    Prevention and Cure on Some Common Diseases of Golden Trout

  7. 我国养鳟面临的问题及其对策探讨

    The present problems and the Countermeasures of rainbow trout culture in China

  8. 纯系金鳟发眼卵低温孵化试验

    Experiment on eyed eggs incubation of pure line Oncorhynchus mykiss under low temperature

  9. 中国养鳟技术总结

    A summary of rainbow trout culture Technigues in China

  10. 一条真鳟咬住假蝇向上游快速游去。

    A trout took the fly and ran upstream .

  11. 浆叶式增氧机在养鳟中的应用计算

    Applied calculation of propeller aerator in trout culture

  12. 身体闪亮的各种褐鳟,游到淡水中产卵。

    Silvery marine variety of brown trout that migrates to fresh water to spawn .

  13. 鲑鳟豆腐、鲑鳟豆腐制品的研制

    A processing method of the bean curd & the bean products with rainbow trout

  14. 金鳟伪雄鱼的制备及全雌三倍体的诱导

    Preparation of pseudo-milter and induction of all-female triploid in golden rainbow trout Oncorhynchus mykiss

  15. 另外还有螃蟹、刺鳐,海鳗,斑鳟和红鳟鱼。

    Species include crabs , sting rays , eels , speckled trout and red fish .

  16. 金鳟和道氏虹鳟耗氧率和窒息点的比较研究

    Study on the amount , rate of oxygen consumption and asphyxia point of two strains of rainbow trout

  17. 中国养鳟业

    Trout farming in China

  18. 彩虹鳟中的溯河产卵海鱼,较淡水种类体型大,斑点颜色淡。

    The anadromous variety of rainbow trout , being larger and having darker spots than the freshwater variety .

  19. 饥饿和恢复投喂对金鳟体组分和糖原含量的影响

    Study on Body Biochemical Compositions and Glycogen Content after Starvation and Refeeding in Golden Rainbow Trout , Oncorhynchus mykiss

  20. 日本养鳟研究发展史述评及我国养鳟研究方向问题浅析

    A review of the developmental about trout raising researched in Japan and simplified analysis of some orientational problems discussed on trout raising in China

  21. 从我们的观点是难以否认蜉蝣的生命不过是一种野生鳟礼物。

    From our point of view it is hard to deny that the mayflys life is nothing but a gift to the wild trout .

  22. 在年均水温8℃的高寒地区进行了生产性山女鳟养殖试验。

    The cultural trial of masu salmon was carried out at the high chilly area with annu - al average water temperature 8 ℃ .

  23. 很多蜉蝣种拙游泳充其量结合,剥其外层若虫皮肤他们等候治疗退化成为鳟。

    Many mayfly species are clumsy swimmers at best , and combine that with shucking their outer nymph skin , they become a flailing treat for the waiting trout .

  24. 我回头在龙头的铸造权浅滩,钉什么是第一次陷入那天我许多美好鳟。

    I turned around and cast right at the head of the riffle , and nailed what was to be the first of many beautiful trout I caught that day .

  25. 鲑鱼、斑鳟、红点鲑、爱尔兰白鲑和鳗鱼都是天然品种,其它品种如梭鱼、石斑鱼、和虹鳟鱼,则是从外海引进的。

    Salmon , brown trout , char , Pollan and eel all occur naturally and other varieties such as pike , roach and rainbow trout have been introduced from outside .

  26. 鳟鲑鱼科的各种淡水或溯河性食用及捕钓鱼,尤指鲑鱼属和红点鲑属,通常身体呈流线形,有斑纹,鳞片等。

    Any of various freshwater or anadromous food and game fishes of the family salmonidae , especially of the genera Salmo and salvelinus , usually having a streamlined , speckled body with small scales .

  27. 1996年,普吉湾水域也用过同样方法来驱赶那些在西雅图百乐水闸鱼梯,贪婪吞吃所剩无几的硬头鳟的海狮。

    In 1996 , a similar one was anchored in the waters of Puget Sound to scare the sea lions that were devouring the already dwindling supply of steelhead at Seattle 's Ballard Locks fish ladder .

  28. 美国科学家发现在孵卵所的虹鳟其繁殖能力远不如野生种野生鱼类.本文对引进种日本金鳟和道氏虹鳟及其杂交后代的生存力及稚鱼的生长速度等进行了比较研究。

    US scientists found steelhead trout reared in hatcheries were much less good at reproducing than wild fish . Comparison study on performance among albino rainbow trout and Donaldson rainbow trout and their filial generation were studied .

  29. 同时,虹鳟是世界上广泛养殖的重要冷水鱼,现在鲑鳟类养殖用的疫苗主要是革兰氏阴性细菌苗,保护性免疫通常是菌苗和佐剂一起使用。

    At the same time , rainbow trout is an important worldwide farmed fish . Now salmonid aquaculture vaccines are meanly gram negative bacterins . The protective immunity is usually used with adjuvants while this kind of formulation brings lesions on fish impacting its economic value .

  30. 通过分析特种水产养殖的必要性,针对虹鳟鱼养殖过程中普遍存在的一些问题,如养鳟效率低,专业化程度不高,养殖质量安全问题等,提出了虹鳟鱼养殖专家系统的研究。

    By analyzing the necessity of special aquiculture , aiming at some prevalent problems of rainbow trout aquiculture , such as inefficiency of rainbow trout , lowness of specialization degree and security problems of rainbow trout aquiculture , this paper puts forward study on rainbow trout aquiculture .