
  • 网络Bird pecking;Bird damage
  1. 这些鸟啄掉了所有红色的花。

    These birds peck off all the red flowers .

  2. 鸟啄鱼纹在后世亦有继承和发展,它在远古的确切意义仍有待考证。

    " Bird peck fish " line has developed , but its ancient meaning is still further to be surveyed .

  3. 中国远古彩陶艺术丰富的纹样中,鸟啄鱼纹特殊而有趣。

    Ancient Chinese ceramics have a verity of lines in which " bird peck fish " line is special and interesting .

  4. 恩,科学家们观察到啄木鸟啄洞的断枝通常包含由木腐菌造成的蛀木。

    W : Well , scientists observed that the snags woodpeckers excavate generally contain decayed wood , which is caused by wood-decay fungi .

  5. 门上轻轻的剥啄声终于提醒他们外面有人。随后又听见一只啄木鸟啄树的声音。

    A soft tap at the door at length announced that some one was outside . presently the hammering of a woodpecker was heard .

  6. 当啄木鸟啄树皮时,它们为空气传播的真菌孢子感染树木提供了方便,它们同时也是带菌者,无意中携带了真菌孢子和来自某根断枝的其他细菌,它们的喙载着这些细菌再传播给其他树木。

    When woodpeckers puncture bark , they provide a way for airborne fungal spores to infect the wood . They also act as vectors , unintentionally picking up fungal spores and other microbes from one snag and carrying them in their beaks to another .

  7. 在苹果树上坐著一只鸟正在啄著金苹果。

    There on the apple tree sat a bird pecking at the golden apples .

  8. 那只鸟想啄那个小孩。

    That bird tried to peck the baby .

  9. 除了偶尔几声啄木鸟的啄木声外,没有任何别的声音打破这里的宁静。

    The tranquillity here is broken by no sound but the occasional hammer of a wood-pecker .

  10. 星星是啄木鸟在天上啄出来的洞。

    Stars are where a woodpecker pecked holes in the sky .

  11. 只鸟把袋子啄了个洞。

    A bird had pecked a hole in the sack .

  12. 再坏的鸟也不会啄出母亲的眼睛。

    It is an ill bird that pecks out the dam 's eyes .

  13. 啄木鸟在树上啄了一个洞。

    The woodpecker pecked a hole in the tree .

  14. 一开始字里行间就漏洞百出,猫声鸟居然把夜莺啄得铩羽而归。

    Even from the first , the words went wrong , the catbird pecked away the nightingale .

  15. vt.啄食;扔vi.啄食;扔石头那只鸟在树上啄了个洞。……

    peck The bird pecked a hole in the tree .......

  16. 那只鸟在树上啄了个洞。

    The bird pecked a hole in the tree .

  17. 鸟从树木里啄出昆虫在灌木林或森林里伐木。

    The Bird pecked insects from the log . cut lumber , as in woods and forests .

  18. 而且这引起观察家们思考:是某些类型的腐烂吸引了啄木鸟,还是说啄木鸟实际上传播了引起腐烂的真菌呢?

    And this led them to wonder whether woodpeckers are attracted to certain types of decay , or if they 're the ones actually spreading the fungus that causes the decay .

  19. 他的朋友很欣赏这幅画,他很想告诉别人这画的美妙之处,就对几个正在细看画的人说,画中的水果画得多么逼真,连鸟都会来啄的。

    A friend of his , who admired this picture , wishing to show its perfection , said to some persons who were examining it that the fruit appeared so natural that the birds came to peck at it .

  20. 毫不奇怪的是,那些在树洞里筑巢的啄木鸟携带着更大量的真菌,它们是协同作用着的,因为腐烂使得啄木鸟啄洞更容易了。

    And not surprisingly , species of woodpeckers that nest in cavities carry a significantly larger number of these , which is synergistic , because the decay makes it easier for them to excavate .