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mínɡ fènɡ
  • Mingfeng;sth. of rare beauty/value
鸣凤 [míng fèng]
  • [the name of a drama in Ming Dynasty] 指《鸣凤记》,传奇剧本,为明代王世贞门客作,写杨继盛与严嵩斗争被害惨死的故事

  • 皆奏鸣凤。--清. 侯方域《壮悔堂文集》

  • 更奏鸣凤。

  1. 鸣凤好像从梦中醒过来似的,她的脸色马上变了。

    Ming-feng seemed to awake from a dream and her expression changed .

  2. 婉儿用更低的声音问鸣凤道,声音很温和,比她平时说话慢了些。

    Wan-erh asked Ming-feng softly . She spoke more slowly than usual .

  3. 鸣凤半害羞地在婉儿的耳边说了一句话。

    Ming-feng whispered a few words in wan-erh 's ear .

  4. 恶帮用恐吓的手段,使得证人不敢说话。鸣凤吓得结结巴巴的,好久才说出了这些话。

    The gang silenced witnesses by intimidation . Ming-feng stammered , very frightened .

  5. 尤其使他不安的是,鸣凤好像故意在躲避他。

    To add to his troubles , Ming-fang seemed to be avoiding him .

  6. “鸣凤,鸣凤,太太喊你去装烟!”

    " Ming-feng , madam wants you to put tobacco in the water-pipes !"

  7. 觉新和鸣凤用力地划着船。

    Chueh-hsin and Ming-feng plied the oar vigorously .

  8. 他去了,我还留着,一直到鸣凤来叫我吃饭的时候。

    After he left , I remained there until Ming-feng called me to lunch .

  9. 屋里剩下了鸣凤一个人。

    Ming-feng was left alone in the room .

  10. 淑贞最胆小,便拉了鸣凤靠着她走。

    Shuchen , the most timid of the girls , stuck close to mingfeng .

  11. 不告诉你,这是鸣凤的微微颤动的声音。

    " I won 't tell you . " Ming-feng 's voice shook a little .

  12. 这一切不过是给鸣凤预报她自己的归宿罢了。

    All this gave Ming-feng a frightening premonition of what her own destiny would be .

  13. 觉慧大吃一惊。他焦急地等待着鸣凤的回答。

    Electrified , Chueh-hui strained his ears .

  14. 后来鸣凤出去看了,你们的房门关得紧紧的,房间没有损伤。

    Finally , Ming-feng went over and found your door locked but your room undamaged .

  15. 她说着便挣开手去拉鸣凤的膀子。

    She pulled Ming-feng to her feet .

  16. 鸣凤走过来,坐在他对面的一个石凳上。

    Ming-feng seated herself opposite him .

  17. 这两天鸣凤很想找到觉慧,跟他谈谈她的事。她时时刻刻等着这个机会。

    Ming-feng wanted very much to speak to chueh-hui , and she was constantly seeking an opportunity .

  18. 鸣凤不作声了,她似乎觉得这件事不是好玩的了。

    Apparently realizing that this was no joking matter , Ming-feng remained silent for a long time .

  19. 他很想出来说几句话替鸣凤辩护,然而有什么东西在后面拉住他。

    He had wanted to come forward and defend ming-feng , but something had held him back .

  20. 他又较重地敲了两下,低声唤着:“鸣凤,鸣凤。”

    He rapped more loudly , and called in a low voice ," ming-feng , ming-feng . "

  21. “鸣凤,你不看见我这样忙?”他短短地说,便抬起头来。

    " Can 't you sea I 'm busy ?" said Chueh-hui roughly , as if reproving her for persisting .

  22. 尖峰岭国家森林公园之旅的一大亮点便是鸣凤谷,这里属于典型的热带山地雨林植被。

    The tour to Jianfengling is highlighted by the Mingfenggu Valley section , the most typical original tropical highland rainforest .

  23. 鸣凤半害羞地在婉儿的耳边说了一句话。我们每个人当初都曾经为这样的本能大声地、毫不害羞地哭过。

    Ming-feng whispered a few words in Wan-erh 's ear . We all once cried so instinctively , so shamelessly .

  24. 鸣凤把周氏的腿抱得愈紧,她觉得这时候只有这一双腿可以救她。

    Ming-feng hugged Madam Chou 's legs tighter , as if they were the only things that could save her .

  25. 他跟鸣凤谈了几句话。鸣凤简短地回答了他,便又回到淑英们那里。

    They exchanged a few brief words as they walked a distance , then Ming-feng turned around and rejoined the others .

  26. 两种思想在他的脑子里战斗,或者更可以说是“社会”跟鸣凤在战斗。

    Two thoughts struggled for supremacy in his mind-or perhaps we could say the struggle was between " society " and ming-feng .

  27. 后来她的哭声把老黄妈惊醒了。老黄妈用不十分清楚的声音问:“鸣凤,你在哭什么?”

    Old mama huang , awakened by the sound of her weeping , asked in a muzzy voice ," what are you crying about ?"

  28. 这时外面起了吹哨声,觉慧又抬起头催促鸣凤:“快去,二少爷来了。”

    Outside , someone was heard approaching , whistling . " go , quickly ," chueh-hui urged . " second young master is coming . "

  29. 从第二天起鸣凤的态度完全改变了。从静态到动态的转变在两种情况下完全相同。

    By the next morning Ming-feng had changed into a different person . The transition from statics to dynamics is exactly similar in the two cases .

  30. 他只看见这个长身材的少女脑后的大辫子,她在和鸣凤讲话,脸朝着另一面。

    The tall girl 's back was towards him as she chatted with ming-feng , and he could only see her long plait , not her face .