
  1. 鹤山3种人工林土壤N2O浓度的时间和空间变异

    Temporal and spatial variation of nitrous oxide concentration in different soil depth under three plantations in Heshan area

  2. 通过选取母语为汉语的河南省鹤壁市鹤山区实验高中学生为被试,设计语法试卷,考察了学生英语WH从属疑问句的学习。

    The writer chooses the students in Heshan District Experimantal Senior High School in Hebi City of Henan Province as the participants . Through a grammar test , this thesis investigates students ' acquisition of the English WH-subordinate interrogatives ( EWSI ) .

  3. KTC在老挝开了一家工厂,但与晶苑集团的情况一样,那里的工人们生产的服装比鹤山工厂里生产的更简单,因为老挝工人的技术不如中国工人。

    KTC has opened a factory in Laos but , as in the case of Crystal Group , the workers there make less complicated garments than in Heshan because they do not have the same skills as their Chinese peers .

  4. 但鹤山KTC等制造商表示,比薪资上涨更严重的问题是,很难招聘到足够多拥有合适技能的工人来维持持续生产。薪资上涨不过让工厂增加了一些成本。

    But some manufacturers , such as KTC in Heshan , say a more serious issue than rising wages – which can be absorbed at a cost – is the difficulty in finding enough workers with the right skills to allow production to continue .

  5. 鹤山退化生态系统恢复过程中土壤微生物的特性

    Soil Microbial Characteristics in Rehabilitation Process of Degraded Ecosystems in Heshan

  6. 广东鹤山草坡的群落结构

    The Community Structure of Degraded Grassland in Heshan City , Guangdong

  7. 鹤山针叶混交林的光能利用效率

    Efficiency of solar radiation utilization by coniferous mixed forest in Heshan

  8. 鹤山丘陵草坡的水文特征及水量平衡

    Hydrological properties and water balance of grassland ecosystem in Heshan Hill Region

  9. 鹤山市沙坪镇社区居民慢性非传染性疾病基线调查浅析

    Investigation of Chronic Non-communicable Disease in Shaping Community Heshan City

  10. 鹤山湿地松人工林的群落结构与能量特征

    The community structure and energy characteristics of Pinus elliottii artificial forest in Heshan

  11. 鹤山重建植被的几种优势种叶解剖学研究

    Study on leaf anatomical characteristics of dominant spedes of rehabilitation vegetation in Heshan

  12. 听着,白鹤山没有任何你想要的东西的

    Look , there 's nothing waiting for you back at Stork Mountain .

  13. 广东省鹤山市地质灾害分布特征与防治

    Distribution Features and Prevention of Geological Hazards in Heshan City of Guangdong Province

  14. 鹤山人工林的辐射能环境研究

    The Studies on the Environment of Radiation Energy of Man Made Forests in Heshan

  15. 模拟氮沉降对鹤山3种人工林表土碳释放的影响

    Effects of Simulated Nitrogen Deposition on Carbon Release from Three Plantation Soils in Heshan

  16. 鹤山龙口村边次生常绿阔叶林群落分析

    An analysis of the community of secondary evergreen broad-leaf forest in longkou , heshan

  17. 广东鹤山主要森林生态系统酸沉降影响现状研究

    Status and Effects of Acid Deposition on Major Forest Ecosystems at Heshan , Guangdong Province

  18. 新会、开平、鹤山三地福寿螺广州管圆线虫感染情况调查

    A Survey of Snail Ampullaria Gigas Infection with Angiostrongylus Cantonensis in Xinhui , Kaiping and Heshan

  19. 广东鹤山火烧迹地植被恢复后土壤养分含量变化

    Changes of soil nutrient contents after prescribed burning of forestland in Heshan City , Guangdong Province

  20. 鹤山乡土混交林的能量特征及光能利用率

    Energy Flux Characteristics and Solar Radiation Utilization Efficiency of the Native Species Mixed Forest in Heshan

  21. 广东鹤山丘陵人工林林下鸟群落研究歪叶榕繁殖生态学

    A Study of understory bird communities in an artificial forest in Heshan , Guangdong , China

  22. 广东鹤山人工林群落主要优势植物的热值和灰分含量

    Caloric value and ash content of dominant plants in plantation communities in Heshan of Guangdong , China

  23. 鹤山几种不同土地利用方式的土壤碳储量研究

    A Study on the Soil Carbon Storage of Some Land Use Types in Heshan , Guangdong , China

  24. 模拟酸雨对鹤山赤红壤风化过程的影响

    The Effect of Simulated Acid Rain on Weathering Process of Lateritic Red Soil in Heshan , Guangdong Province

  25. 本论文以鹤山农场为典型区探讨了关于生态农业建设分区,以及生态农业发展模式选择等一系列问题。

    This paper discussed the method of construction partition for ecological and the chosen for ecological developing mode .

  26. 运用模糊隶属度进行土壤属性制图的研究&以黑龙江鹤山农场研究区为例

    Soil property mapping using fuzzy membership & a case study of a study area in Heshan farm of Heilongjiang Province

  27. 欢迎各界朋友莅临鹤山市华伟五金制品厂参观、指导和业务洽谈,共创双赢。

    Welcome friends from all Heshan Huawei Hardware Products Factory visit , guidance and business negotiation to create win-win situation .

  28. 城乡一体化地区120急救医疗站点设施区位问题分析&以广东省鹤山市为例

    FLP ANALYSIS OF THE 120 EMS STATIONS IN URBAN-RURAL INTEGRATED AREA & A Case Study of Heshan city , Guangdong Province

  29. 就是靠众多像鹤山这样的城市,广东省如今成了世界工厂。

    Heshan is just one of the many cities in Guangdong that has transformed the province into the factory of the world .

  30. 鹤山市政府在新闻发布会上表示,由于社会各界反对意见较多,决定取消该项目。

    The Heshan government said in a press conference that it would cancel the project due to opposition from every level of society .