
  • 网络Heron;ardeidae;family Ardeidae
  1. 苏州地区四种鹭科鸟类同域繁殖的特点研究

    Studies on Characteristics of Sympatric Reproduction of Four Species of ' Ardeidae Birds in Suzhou

  2. 中国鹭科鸟类研究进展

    A Review on Ardeidae Birds in China

  3. 唐海湿地迁徙水鸟的四大重要类群(鴴鹬鸟类群落、鸥类群落、雁鸭类群落及鹭科鸟类群落)迁徙高峰期均出现在春秋季节,夏季次之,冬季为最低谷。

    The migration peaks mainly occurred in spring or fall for the four species of waterfowls .

  4. 乙脑病毒能够在一个人畜共患的循环圈内传播,涉及到猪,鹭科鸟类,库蚊属蚊子等。

    It is maintained in a zoonotic cycle involving pigs , ardeid birds and Culex species of mosquitoes .

  5. 为了保护和利用资源,本文对中国鹭科鸟类研究进行了简要总结。

    In order to protect and utilize the resources , Egrets are studied from China in this paper .

  6. 对水鸟群落进行了周年观察,按鸭科、鹭科、鸻鹬类等类群分析其季节性动态。

    Analysis about the seasonal dynamic of avian community by groups , such as Herons , Ducks and Shorebirds .

  7. 鹭科鸟类是湿地生态系统中重要的生物种类之一,也是环境质量评价的一类指示动物。

    Ardeidae bird is one of important species belonging to wet land ecosystem , and regarded as indicator for environmental assessment .

  8. 广东海丰鸟类自然保护区黑脸琵鹭越冬种群现状鹭科鸟类是湿地生态系统中重要的生物种类之一,也是环境质量评价的一类指示动物。

    Current Status of Wintering Population of Black-faced Spoonbill in Haifeng Avian Natural Reserve , Guangdong , China Ardeidae bird is one of important species belonging to wet land ecosystem , and regarded as indicator for environmental assessment .