
ɡuàn niǎo
  • stork
  1. “她也是鹳鸟带来的。”

    The stork brought her also .

  2. 他为她的妻子将获得参观鹳鸟的机会感到非常高兴。

    He is very glad that his wife 's going to get a visit from the stork .

  3. 还有鹳鸟在春天午后翱翔时的吟唱声。

    the whisper of stork wings on a spring afternoon .

  4. 你有没有看到一位红发的女士还有一只鹳鸟?

    Have you seen a redheaded lady and a stork ?

  5. 婴儿是鹳鸟送来的古老传说是真的吗?

    Could the old story about babies being delivered by storks really be true ?

  6. 如果再让我看到一只鹳鸟,我肯定撕烂它的嘴。

    If I see another paper stork , I 'm gonna rip its beak off .

  7. 某夜,他的坐舰鹳鸟号在黑夜之中追逐一艘潜艇并和它相撞。

    One night his ship , the Stork ; pursued and rammed a U-boat in the darkness .

  8. 谁将聪明给与鹳鸟,将智慧赋与雄鸡?

    Who hath put wisdom in the heart of man ? or who gave the cock understanding ?

  9. 在野生动物之间存有某些分工合作关系;鹳鸟与狼通常会为同一邻居工作。

    There is some cooperation between wild creatures ; the stork and the wolf usually work the same neighbourhood .

  10. 这样嗯,我喜欢你的学校鼓励想象力超过实际学习但是鹳鸟不会送来任何东西。

    Right.Hey , I love your school encourages imagination over actual learning , but the storks don 't deliver anymore .

  11. 他还在试验无人机送货,他最近收购了数千架送货无人机,把它们重新改装成了类似鹳鸟(在西方,鹳鸟有送子之意)的样子。

    He is also experimenting with drone delivery and recently purchased several thousand delivery drones , refitted to resemble storks .

  12. 鹳鸟的窠已经空了,但是野苹果树上仍然悬着苹果,虽然叶子都已经落掉了。

    day . The nest of the stork was empty , but ripe fruit still hung on the wild apple-tree , although the leaves had fallen .

  13. 但是那棵奇异的植物仍然在树林里开着花。它很快就要长成一棵树了。许多候鸟,特别是鹳鸟和燕子,都飞到这儿来,在它面前低头致敬。

    In the forest the wonderful plant still continued to bloom till it grew and became almost a tree , and all the birds of passage bowed themselves before it .

  14. 在春天,当燕子和鹳鸟飞来的时候,枞树就问它们:“你们知道人们把它们拖到什么地方去了吗?你们碰到过它们没有?”

    In spring , when the swallows and the storks came , the Tree asked them , " Don 't you know where they have been taken ? Have you not met them anywhere ? "

  15. 他们也在这时候生下了一个小儿子&由我们的上帝赐予、由鹳鸟送来、由妈妈展出的。

    The ware-houseman and his wife lived in the garret , and there , too , at the same time , a little son arrived , given by our Lord , brought by the stork , and exhibited by the mother .

  16. 我又举目观看,见有两个妇人出来,在她们翅膀中有风,飞得甚快。翅膀如同鹳鸟的翅膀。她们将量器抬起来,悬在天地中间。

    And lifting up my eyes I saw two women coming out , and the wind was in their wings ; and they had wings like the wings of a stork : and they took the ephah , lifting it up between earth and heaven .