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  1. 不过,穆斯林强调,莱麦丹斋月的意义不仅仅在于禁食。

    But Muslims stress that there 's more to Ramadan than fasting .

  2. 莱麦丹斋月是反躬自省、与人分享的时候。

    Ramadan is a time for self-reflection and sharing .

  3. 对于世界各地的众多穆斯林而言,莱麦丹斋月也是潜心深省、牺牲奉献的时候。

    For so many Muslims around the world , Ramadan is also a time of deep reflection and sacrifice .

  4. 在美国国内,穆斯林民众同邻居、同学和同事分享莱麦丹斋月的传统。

    And here in the United States , Muslim Americans share Ramadan traditions with their neighbors , fellow students , and co-workers .

  5. 这仅仅是我们欢度莱麦丹斋月的活动之一,延续了多年来在白宫举办斋月晚宴的传统。

    This is just one part of our effort to celebrate Ramadan , and continues a long tradition of hosting iftars here at the White House .

  6. 值此庆贺莱麦丹圣月之际,我们还感谢穆斯林为丰富美国社会和美国文化做出的诸多贡献&不论贡献大小。

    So on this occasion , we celebrate the Holy Month of Ramadan , and we also celebrate how much Muslims have enriched America and its culture & in ways both large and small .

  7. 莱麦丹斋月期间一般举行家庭为主的活动,但华盛顿地区有许多年轻的穆斯林,其中不少人远离家庭和亲人,但他们要求斋月活动一个都不能少。

    And even though Ramadan is typically a time dominated by family , Washington 's large number of young Muslims many living away from their homes and relatives ensure that no one is left out .