
  • 网络Mecoxlane;Mecox Lane;MCOX;Maclean's;Macally
  1. 麦考林是中国第一家外资邮购企业。

    Mecoxlane is the first foreign-owned mailorder company in China .

  2. 麦考林在经营上有许多独特之处,可供同业及网上销售作借鉴。

    Mecoxlane has many unique operation experiences for the companies in the same industry and online sales to take reference .

  3. 本周中国互联网零售商麦考林(mecoxlane)在纳斯达克亚进行ipo,代表了这种向亚洲的转移,并突显出美国新科技公司上市的匮乏。

    The shift to Asia was capped this week with the NASDAQ IPO of mecox lane , a Chinese Internet retailer , and highlights a dearth of new public tech companies in the US .

  4. 学校也是麦考林大学的合作伙伴。

    The school is also a partner school to nearby Macquarie University .