
má yínɡ
  • Sarcophaga;hemp rope
麻蝇 [má yíng]
  • [sarcophagid] 麻蝇科的双翅蝇

  1. 郑州地区夏初尸食性麻蝇生长发育规律观察

    Growing rule of Sarcophaga carnaria in early summer in Zhengzhou City

  2. 用亲和层析法纯化了棕尾别麻蝇幼虫和蛹血淋巴凝集素。

    Lectins in haemolymph of Sarcophaga peregrina larvae and pupa were purified by affinity chromatography .

  3. 郑州地区初秋季节嗜尸性麻蝇生长发育规律的初步研究

    A Preliminary Study of the Growing of Sarcophaga Carnaria in Early Autumn in Zhengzhou City

  4. 棕尾别麻蝇为腐食性昆虫,体形较小,对环境适应能力强,生殖力强大,逐渐成为一种难以防治的卫生害虫。

    Sarcophaga peregrina is a pest of health , with a small body , a great power in reproduction and strong adaption to environment .

  5. 方法:以人肝组织作为诱饵和培养物,观察郑州地区夏初尸食性麻蝇的生长演变过程及特点。

    Methods : Human liver tissue pieces were acquired from autopsy as bait and food for flies and then the developmental behaviours of Sarcophaga carnaria was observed .

  6. 初步解决了麻蝇胞浆中大量的脂肪、色素及多糖对双向电泳的严重干扰问题,为获得较理想的麻蝇全蛋白双向电泳图谱及其蛋白质组的研究奠定了基础。

    The fat , pigment and polysaccharids of the flesh fly in the cytoplasm for two-way electrophoresis interference problems were solved . The best draft was obtained .

  7. 实验目的:建立麻蝇全蛋白质的提取方法和合理的提取方案,获得麻蝇全蛋白纯品,为制作麻蝇全蛋白电泳图谱创造条件,为麻蝇蛋白质组学研究积累基础数据。

    Objective : To establish Sarcophaga peregrina whole protein extraction method and reasonable extraction solution , obtained Sarcophaga peregrina whole protein , and producing the total protein electrophoresis map , For accumulation Sarcophaga peregrina proteomics research data .

  8. 目的:探讨郑州地区初秋季节嗜尸性麻蝇的生长发育规律,为该地区该季节人体死亡时间推断提供法医昆虫学较确切数据。

    Objective : To study the growing law of Sarcophaga carnaria in early autumn in Zheng zhou City in order to find out the more exact data for the estimation of the postmortem interval for this region .

  9. 运用滤纸片法对提取蛋白质进行抗菌活性探究,发现其对毛霉、根霉有明显的抑制作用;为麻蝇胞浆蛋白质在美容保健、动物源天然食品防腐剂等方面的开发利用提供依据。

    With extraction method by using filter paper to explore the antimicrobial activity of protein , the antimicrobial activity of protein were discovered obviously . The evidence was provided that flesh fly could be utilized in the category of hairdressing , health care and animal protein source of natural food .