
  • 网络Mycobacterium leprae;M.leprae;M.laprae
  1. 基因扩增试验检测麻风分枝杆菌的研究进展

    Research progress of test on Mycobacterium leprae using gene amplification

  2. 分枝杆菌属除麻风分枝杆菌外,主要包括结核分枝杆菌复合群和非结核分枝杆菌。

    Except Mycobacterium leprae , mycobacteria were composed of Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex and non-tuberculosis mycobacteria ( NTM ) .

  3. 目的麻风病是一种由麻风分枝杆菌引起的慢性传染病,全球约有300&400万人因麻风导致残疾。

    Objection : Leprosy is a kind of chronic infection disease which caused by mycobacterium .

  4. 背景:麻风病是由麻风分枝杆菌引起皮肤和外周神经受累的慢性传染病,是导致人类致残的主要疾病之一。

    Background : Leprosy is a chronic diseases which caused by the mycobacterium , skin and peripheral nerve involvement in .