
huáng shuǐ xiān
  • daffodil;jonauil;trumpet narcissus, trumpet daffodil
黄水仙[huáng shuǐ xiān]
  1. 黄水仙是水仙属植物。

    The daffodil belongs to the genus ` Narcissus ' .

  2. 当黄水仙是在开花外面的时候,冬天将退休。

    By the time the daffodil is out of blossom , winter is about to retire .

  3. 随便种几丛黄水仙。

    Plant daffodils in informal drifts .

  4. 春天,草地上开满了黄水仙。

    In the spring , the meadow is a mass of daffodils .

  5. 哎呀,花园里的黄水仙开了,它们永远都是一道亮丽的风景。

    Well , the daffodils are out in the gardens and they 're always a beautiful show .

  6. 美的黄水仙,凋谢的太快,我们感觉着悲哀;

    fair daffodils , we weep to see you haste away so soon ;

  7. 黄水仙-这是你最喜欢的花

    Daffodils ! - They 're your favorite flower .

  8. 春天开花的黄水仙和白百合。

    Daffodils and lilies flowering in the spring .

  9. 黄水仙-爱我吧,情感得到回报,欲望,同情,想要情感得到回报

    JONQUIL-Love Me , Affection Returned , Desire , Sympathy , Desire For Affection Returned

  10. 通常被用作一种黄水仙的口语形式。

    Often used colloquially for any yellow daffodil .

  11. 像黄水仙与番红花之类早开的花卉。

    Early flowers such as daffodils and crocuses .

  12. 去拿那些东西…-黄水仙

    So get that stuff ... - Daffodils .

  13. 她最喜欢的花是黄水仙

    her favorite flowers are daffodils .

  14. 黄水仙、雏菊、杏花、桃花、山茱萸花、野蔷薇。

    the almond-tree in blossom ; the peach-tree in blossom ; the cornelian-tree in blossom ; sweet-briar .

  15. 种植了那么许许多多的球茎后,明年春天你应该有一个黄水仙展了。

    You should have a brave show of daffodils next spring after planting all these hundreds of bulbs .

  16. 树叶舒展开来,黄雀翩翩飞来觅食,黄水仙也朝天竞相生长。

    Leaves had unfurled , goldfinches had arrived at the feeder and daffodils were fighting their way heavenward .

  17. 通常形式的动能将不适用。通常被用作一种黄水仙的口语形式。

    The familiar form of the kinetic energy will not do . often used colloquially for any yellow daffodil .

  18. 我想起她对我讲过的她丈夫带给她黄水仙的故事,那让我透过他的视角来看她。

    Remembering a story she told me about her husband bringing her daffodils makes me see her through his eyes .

  19. 草坪上长而宽的一片黄水仙.化学灌浆在沙坪水闸闸墩沉降缝处理中的应用

    A swathe of daffodils across the lawn Application on Disposing of Settlement Joint of Pier with Chemical Grouting in Shaping Water Gate

  20. 今天早上我做的第一件事是将我的女儿罗莎放在她的托儿所,来到这儿,黄水仙已经处于开花状态了。

    First thing this morning I had dropped my daughter Rose off at her nursery , here in the grass daffodils were already at flowering size .

  21. 你窗台上的天竺葵,石竹花,亲爱的,还有黄水仙,它们都是普通的花卉,可它们也渴望你轻触的光辉,和你颤抖的意愿。

    The geraniums on your window sill the carnations , dear , and the daffodil well they 're ordinary flowers but they long for the light of your touch and your trembling will .

  22. 到了三月则有香堇菜,尤其是单瓣蓝色的那一种,它们是开得最早的;黄水仙、雏菊、杏花、桃花、山茱萸花、野蔷薇。

    For March , there come violets , specially the single blue , which are the earliest ; the yellow daffodil ; the daisy ; the almond-tree in blossom ; the peach-tree in blossom ; the cornelian-tree in blossom ; sweet-briar .