
  • 网络Battle of the Yellow Sea;Battle of Yalu River
  1. 黄海海战研究&关于北洋舰队的失利原因及阵形问题

    A Study of the Sea Battle in the Yellow Sea The Causes for the Defeat of the Northern Naval Fleet and the Question of the Array of Warships

  2. 朝韩两国1999年和2002年在黄海进行了两场海战,伤亡数十人。

    The two Koreas fought naval battles in the Yellow Sea in 1999 and 2002 , with dozens of casualties .

  3. 南、北韩在黄海二十分钟的海战发生在世界杯足球赛即将在南韩与日本结束之际。

    The 20-minute sea battle between South and North Koreas took place at a time when the World Cup soccer tournament is drawing to a close in South Korea and Japan .