
huáng sè sù
  • Yellow pigment;uranidin
黄色素[huáng sè sù]
  1. 用超临界CO2从螺旋藻中萃取食用黄色素的研究

    Supercritical CO2 Fluid Extraction of Natural Yellow Pigment from Spirulina Platensis

  2. pH值对菊黄色素的稳定性影响较小;

    PH value showed little effect on the pigment .

  3. 超临界流体CO2萃取万寿菊黄色素成分分析万寿菊中叶黄素的提取及抗氧化研究

    Components study of the yellow pigment from Marigold by supercritical CO_2 extraction

  4. 超临界CO2萃取物玉米黄色素着色成分和脂肪酸成分的研究

    Study on Maize-yellow Pigments and Fatty Acids Extracted with SC-CO_2 from Corn Gluten Meal

  5. 普通小麦籽粒黄色素含量的QTL分析

    QTL Mapping for Kernel Yellow Pigment Content in Common Wheat

  6. 红花药材黄色素A含量的RP-HPLC测定及其资源的质量评价

    Determination of safflor yellow A by RP-HPLC and resources quality comparison in Carthamus tinctorius

  7. 回归设计在万寿菊黄色素提取工艺中的应用及其SAS实施

    The Application of Orthogonal Regression Design in Extraction the Marigold Yellow pigment and Its SAS program

  8. 用乙醇浸取法从新鲜桔皮中提取脂溶性黄色素,测得紫外可见光谱λmax为425nm。

    A yellow pigment dissolving in fat is extracted from fresh orange peel with the method of alcohol soak .

  9. 方法以红花黄色素A的UV法进行检测药物的释放,对渗透泵控释片芯处方和包衣液处方进行了单因素考察,考察了各因素对药物释放的影响。

    METHODS UV method of safflor yellew A was chosen to determine the release of the drugs . Single factor influence selection was studied emphatically .

  10. 结果红花黄色素显著降低脑缺血模型大鼠脑含水量,减轻脑水肿,升高血浆SOD含量,并降低MDA含量。

    Results Hsy can reduce the content of water content in brain and MDA in plasma obviously , and increase the concent SOD in plasma .

  11. 小麦籽粒PPO活性分子标记及面粉黄色素相关基因研究

    Development of Molecular Marker for Grain PPO Activity and Detection of Flour Yellow Pigment Candidate Genes in Bread Wheat

  12. 结果表明:该黄色素溶液对碱、还原剂、金属离子、阴离子及蔗糖等添加物有较好的稳定性,而对酸、氧化剂及Vc,特别是浓酸和浓氧化剂的稳定性较差

    However , it has less stability to solutions of hydrochloric acid , oxidizers , vitamin C ect , especially in the strong solutions of hydrochloric acid and oxidizers

  13. 一株产黄色素红曲霉MonascusHB-5的生物学特性研究

    Study on biological characteristics of yellow pigment producer strain Monascus HB-5

  14. 有机酸含量、黄色素含量、维生素C含量、株高这四个性状属数量性状遗传,大体上呈现出一定程度的高亲变异倾向。

    The content of organic sour , the content of yellow pigmen , the content of vitamin C and the high the four properties belong to the quantity properties heredity , take on hereditary variation inclination of high parent .

  15. 目的:研究红花黄色素(SY)影响小鼠H22移植性肿瘤细胞生长周期尤其是对细胞凋亡的影响。

    Objective : The experiment of safflor yellow effecting the cell growth cycle of grafting tumor .

  16. 一株产黄色素红黄霉MonascusHB-5的发酵条件及色素稳定性、安全性研究

    Biological Characteristics , Stability and Security of Yellow Pigment Producer Strain Monascus HB-5

  17. 红花黄色素对不稳定型心绞痛患者血清Hcy、血脂、血浆Fg水平的影响

    Influence of Safflower Yellow on the Levels of Serum Homocysteine , Blood Lipid and Plasma Fibrinogen in Patients with Unstable Angina

  18. 注射用红花黄色素对心绞痛发作次数、持续时间、疼痛程度及其中医证候积分均有明显改善,与治疗前比较,有统计学意义(P0.05)。

    Compared with pre-treatment , the frequency of paroxysm , duration time , severity of angina and TCM syndrome scoring were all obviously improved after treatment with SYI ( P 0.05 ) .

  19. 对用超临界CO2萃取方法从玉米蛋白粉中得到的玉米黄色素成品进行分析鉴定,研究其着色成分和玉米油中脂肪酸成分。

    The product , Maize-yellow pigment , extracted from corn gluten meal by supercritical CO2 was analyzed and identified . Both components of pigment and fatty acids in corn oil were studied .

  20. 比较了玉米黄色素的超临界CO2萃取和溶剂萃取两种提取工艺的提取率,溶剂萃取以其提取率高、能耗小、时间短而被选用。

    The results of super critical CO2 extraction and solvent extraction of maize yellow pigment were compared . The solvent extraction was selected with its high production , lower consumption of energy and time .

  21. 目的探讨红花黄色素(SY)缓解大鼠心肌缺氧性损伤作用及其对能量代谢的影响。

    Object To investigate the action of safflower yellow ( SY ) against rat cardiac hypoxic damage and the effect on energy metabolism .

  22. 小麦八氢番茄红素合成酶(PSY)基因和脂肪氧化酶(LOx)基因可能影响面粉黄色素含量。

    In wheat , phytoene synthase ( PSY ) gene and lipoxygenase ( LOX ) gene probably affect the content of flour yellow pigments .

  23. 本实验结果表明PPO活性与籽粒硬度和出粉率显著正相关,但与蛋白质含量、黄色素含量及容重相关性不显著。

    The results showed that grain hardness and flour yield had significant correlation with PPO activities , however , PPO activities were not significantly correlated with protein content yellow pigment content and test weight .

  24. 日内、日间RSD小于7%。羟基红花黄色素A高、中、低浓度的回收率分别为90.8%、88.2%、82.2%;

    The average recoveries of high , medium and low concentration were 90.8 % , 88.2 % and 82.2 % , respectively . The RSDs of intra - and inter-day were less than 7 % .

  25. 结果表明,红花黄色素在pH值为2.0的95%乙醇溶液,以红花和提取剂为1g∶10mL的比例加料,在提取温度为60℃时,浸提2h为最佳提取条件。

    The result showed that the optimum conditions were solutions of 95 % alcohol with pH2 , the ratio lg ∶ 10mL between Carthamine and extraction solvent , and extraction temperature at 60 ℃ for 2 hours .

  26. 新疆小麦品种黄色素含量基因(Psy-A1)等位变异的分子检测

    Allelic Variations of Psy-A1 Gene for Yellow Pigment Content in Xinjiang Wheat Cultivars

  27. 方法以乙醇常压回流的方法,处理精制栀子黄色素后的HPD-100大孔树脂。

    METHODS Take atmospheric reflux by ethanol , to deal with HPD-100 macroporous resin after gardenia yellow pigment refining treatment .

  28. 结果表明:该黄色素不溶于水,在无水乙醇、异丙醇、丙酮、氯仿、甲苯、石油醚等有机溶剂中以丙酮为最佳溶剂,丙酮提取液的λmax为415nm。

    That acetone was the optimum solvent in the organic solvents of pure ethanol , isopropanol , acetone , chloroform , acetylacetate phenyl methane , and petroleum benzene etc. The maximum absorption wavelength (λ _ max ) of the optimum solvent was 415 nm .

  29. 试验组3纳入112例,采用红花黄色素滴注液200ml(160mg)静滴,每日1次;

    Safflower yellow pigment lyophilized dripping solution ( SYPLDS ) 200 ml ( 160 mg ), intravenously guttae , daily ( trial group 3 );

  30. 本文研究了用CO2超临界技术从螺旋藻中提取天然食用黄色素的工艺,确定了400P,35℃为最佳的工艺条件,用该条件进行色素提取,其提取率可达98.5%

    The natural yellow pigment was extracted by supercritical CO2 fluid from spirulina platensis , the best conditions were found for the pigment extracting , the yield of the pigment was 98.5 % .