
lí bā nèn
  • Lebanon
黎巴嫩[lí bā nèn]
  1. 黎巴嫩的民兵组织已经同意从贝鲁特撤出。

    The militia in Lebanon has agreed to pull out of Beirut

  2. 以色列、黎巴嫩与海湾的问题一环扣一环。

    The problems of Israel , Lebanon , and the Gulf were tightly interlocked

  3. 也有人建议黎巴嫩的武装力量应解除武装。

    There has also been a suggestion that the forces in Lebanon should disarm

  4. 罢工是黎巴嫩武装民兵召集的。

    The strike was called by the Lebanese Forces militia

  5. 这在黎巴嫩的近代史上是个特别困难的时期。

    This had been a particularly difficult chapter in Lebanon 's recent history .

  6. 英国驻黎巴嫩的新任大使已将国书递交给总统。

    Britain 's new ambassador to Lebanon has presented his credentials to the President .

  7. 她成为了英国女王陛下驻黎巴嫩共和国的新任全权大使。

    She became Her Britannic Majesty 's new ambassador plenipotentiary to the Republic of Lebanon

  8. 以色列准备释放更多的黎巴嫩犯人。

    Israel is set to free more Lebanese prisoners

  9. 黎巴嫩的情况十分复杂。

    The situation in Lebanon is very complicated .

  10. 黎巴嫩人曾是一个航海民族。

    The Lebanese were a seafaring people .

  11. 她从黎巴嫩搬到英国已经有21年了,但她从未忘记自己的根。

    It 's 21 years since she first moved to Britain from the Lebanon , but she hasn 't forgotten her roots .

  12. 只有来自黎巴嫩的一位代表佳德·塔贝特试图提出这个问题。

    Only one representative , Jad Tabet from Lebanon , tried to raise the issue .

  13. 黎巴嫩哪,开开你的门,任火烧灭你的香柏树。

    Open thy doors , O Lebanon , that the fire may devour thy cedars . 1

  14. JimMuir从邻国黎巴嫩港口贝鲁特发回报道。

    Jim Muir sent this report from Beirut in neighbouring Lebanon .

  15. 对很多小国来说,汇款在2007年占GDP的很大一块,例如塔吉克斯坦占46%,摩尔多瓦38%,黎巴嫩24%。

    For many small countries they accounted for a large chunk of GDP in2007 , for example in Tajikistan ( 46 % ), Moldova ( 38 % ) and Lebanon ( 24 % ) .

  16. 在黎巴嫩,1975年至1990年的教派战争留下的创伤仍在隐隐作痛,ISIS在这里的影响可能更加直接。

    In Lebanon , where wounds from its 1975-90 sectarian war are still livid , the spillover can be more direct .

  17. 在黎巴嫩,某天晚上我突如其来地生了病,使我只能猜想自己恐怕感染上了某种中东版本的伊波拉(Ebola)病毒。

    In Lebanon I became so explosively ill one night that I could only imagine Id somehow contracted a Middle Eastern version of the Ebola virus .

  18. 黎巴嫩政治分析家RamiKhouri称副总统与黎巴嫩元首会谈时应该小心谨慎。

    Lebanese political analyst Rami Khouri said the vice president has to tread carefully in talks with Lebanon 's leaders .

  19. 西方记者不允许进入叙利亚境内,OwenBennett-Jones在邻国黎巴嫩报道。

    As Western journalists have been denied permission to enter Syria , Owen Bennett-Jones reports from neighbouring Lebanon .

  20. 回到美国继续读了一个学期后,他再次前往黎巴嫩。这次他有了一个计划,创立了一个非政府组织SERA(紧急情况应急应助组织)

    After finishing the semester back in the United States , he returned to Lebanon , only this time with a plan & he founded founded SERA ( Special Emergency Response and Assistance ), a nongovernmental organization .

  21. 两人都有弱点:Olmert被谴责去年夏天在黎巴嫩对Hizbullah发起的战争;

    Both men are weak : Mr Olmert is accused of botching last summer 's war against Hizbullah in Lebanon ;

  22. 黎巴嫩是一个中东国家,其与西方被地中海划分开来(海岸线:225公里),和东方被Syro-AfricanDepression相隔。

    A Middle Eastern country , Lebanon is demarcated to the west by the Mediterranean ( Coast : 225 km ) and to the east by the Syro-African Depression .

  23. 亚美尼亚的天主教堂以位于黎巴嫩的Bzoummar,作为总部。

    The Armenian Catholic Church is headquartered in Bzoummar , Lebanon .

  24. 身穿标有UnitadiCrisi(危机小组)字样的橙色夹克的人到了,护送我们进了一辆厢式汽车。开路的是一辆黎巴嫩军用卡车,车上有武装士兵。

    Men in orange jackets reading Unita di Crisi ( Crisis Unit ) arrived and escorted us to a van led by a Lebanese military truck with armed soldiers .

  25. 贝鲁特的黎巴嫩美国大学可再生能源专家AhmadHouri不认为用纤维素制造乙醇是具有成本效益的方式。

    Ahmad Houri , a renewable energy expert at the Lebanese American University in Beirut , does not think it would be cost-effective to produce ethanol from cellulose .

  26. 希拉克与在位十余年之久的黎富翁总理哈里里(RafikHariri)关系很好。哈里里在去年被暗杀,引发了黎巴嫩人民对驻黎叙利亚部队的极力抗议,并最终导致了叙军的撤军。

    He was close to Rafik Hariri , the billionaire who was Lebanon 's prime minister for a total of ten years and whose assassination last year started the mass protests that led to Syria 's withdrawal .

  27. 伊拉克、黎巴嫩、巴勒斯坦政治结构比较研究

    Comparison of the Political Structures of Iraq , Lebanon and Palestine

  28. 他主张美国人应该从黎巴嫩撤走。

    He advocated the withdrawal of the American presence in Lebanon .

  29. 用于黎巴嫩重建和发展的秘书长信托基金

    Secretary-General 's Trust Fund for the Reconstruction and Development of Lebanon

  30. 政府指派,一位前部长去黎巴嫩。

    The government appointed a former minister to go to Lebanon .