
  • 网络black ice;BLACKICE;BlackICE PC Protection;ice blast
  1. 黑冰,薄冰(路面上薄而透明的冰层)

    Black ice ( thin transparent layer of ice on a road surface )

  2. “黑冰”不再影响暗影伤害。

    Black Ice doesn 't affect Shadow damage anymore .

  3. 蒙药炮制对黑冰片铅含量影响

    The Mongolian Medicine Processing to the Influence for the Lead in Hei-Bing-Pian

  4. 巨型“雪画”的黑冰原来就是世界上最古老、容量最大,最深的淡水湖贝加尔湖。

    Remote Lake Baikal is the world 's oldest and deepest fresh water lake .

  5. 我的卡车似乎不怕路面上的那层黑冰。

    My truck seemed to have no problem with the black ice that covered the roads .

  6. 在那荒凉的山顶上,土地由于结了一层黑冰而冻得坚硬,冷空气使我四肢发抖。

    On that bleak hill top the earth was hard with a black frost , and the air made me shiver through every limb .

  7. 超高速的移动互联网将使信息可以快速传输,并让司机意识到前方的黑冰、坑洞或其他危险。

    The ultra-fast mobile internet would allow for rapid information transmission and could make drivers aware of black ice , pot holes or other dangers up ahead .