
  • 网络montenegrins;Montenegrin
  1. 黑山人是狂热的猎首者,甚至到了1912年还在做这事。

    The Montenegrins were avid headhunters and even practiced it as late as 1912 .

  2. 黑山人在欧洲出没过,猎首时的主要目标是奥斯曼土耳其人。

    The Montenegrins could be found in Europe , and they primarily targeted the Ottoman Turks when head-hunting .

  3. 现在我们希望塞尔维亚人、科索沃人、波斯尼亚人、黑山人、克罗地亚人、阿尔巴尼亚人和马其顿人,所有的人一起展望在欧洲的未来,也就是加入欧盟和北约。

    Now we hope the Serb people , the Kosovars , the Bosnians , the Montenegrins , the Croatians , Albanians , Macedonians-all of them-can look towards a future in Europe , and that is with the EU and NATO .