
  • 网络Black Belt;black band;MBB
  1. 她是柔道黑带高手。

    She 's a black belt in judo .

  2. 他是一名柔道黑带选手,但他说自己强烈反对暴力。

    He 's a judo black belt but he says he deplores violence

  3. 这种鸟尾部末端有一条黑带,飞翔时很容易认出来。

    The bird is easily recognized in flight by the black band at the end of its tail .

  4. 辛格尔顿是个牛皮大王,他自称有一条空手道黑带。

    Singleton was a fantasist who claimed to have a karate blackbelt .

  5. 他是空手道黑带级选手。

    He holds a black belt in karate .

  6. 他是空手道黑带选手。

    He is a black belt in karate .

  7. 我个人就为业务分析师写过一份教程,它基于10个关键概念,同时附有相应的BPMN。说服与我一起工作的精益六西格玛(LeanSixSigma)黑带接受BPMN不是件易事。

    Personally , I have created a tutorial for business analysts based on10 key concepts and even by pairing down BPMN it was hard to convince the Lean Six Sigma Black Belts I worked with to adopt BPMN .

  8. 39岁的詹妮弗·卡塞塔(JenniferCassetta)是洛杉矶的一名私人教练,是合气道黑带三段高手。2007年,她开设了一个名叫高跟鞋与自卫(StilettosandSelf-Defense)的训练班。

    And Jennifer Cassetta , 39 , a personal trainer in Los Angeles and a third-degree black belt in hapkido , began a class called Stilettos and Self-Defense in 2007 .

  9. 这种亮黑带现象是MCRT应用中的一大严重缺陷。

    The phenomena of bright or black tapes may be a serious defect for the application of MCRT .

  10. 给出一份AIAG(汽车工业行动集团)量具双性研究结果,六西格玛黑带应该能够回答各种关于该测量系统的问题。

    Given the results of an AIAG Gage R & R study , the Six Sigma Black Belt should be able to answer a variety of questions about the measurement system .

  11. 57岁的洛丽·哈特曼·格维西(LoriHartmanGervasi)是传统空手道的黑带教练,她也教授穿着高跟鞋自卫的方法。她认为,女人在遭到袭击之前就需要考虑自己的鞋子和衣物。

    Lori Hartman Gervasi , 57 , a black belt trained in traditional karate who also has taught self-defense in heels , believes that women need to contemplate their shoes , along with other items of clothing , before an attack even happens .

  12. 能力及知识通过此方法得以发展,DMASS应该根据企业内部的实际需求相应地调整顺序并由绿带和黑带培训师对核心员工进行培训。

    The skills and knowledge developed by this methodology , DMASS , should be transposed effectively into the key employees within the organization , through education by Green and Black Belts .

  13. 我这个人,正好是个黑带。

    I , myseif , happen to be a biack beit .

  14. 这就如同动物界的空手道黑带一样。

    This is apparently the animal version of the karate belt .

  15. 我这个人,正好是个黑带

    I , myself , happen to be a black belt .

  16. 拼接的图像往往会在单元图像之间形成一些亮带或黑带。

    Some bright or black tapes between each unit image .

  17. 压缩机滑片表面黑带成因分析

    Analyse the Surface Black Strap of Compressor Slide Lath

  18. 六西格玛黑带的培养策略研究

    A Strategy Research about Cultivating 6 σ Black Belt

  19. 汉中地区农田优势种为长尾管蚜蝇和黑带食蚜蝇。

    Eristalis tenax and Episyrphus balteatus are predominant species in the local farmland .

  20. 通常来说,六西格马黑带应该定量导向。

    In general , a Six Sigma Black Belt should be quantitatively oriented .

  21. 六西格玛黑带项目&提高数字湿度计的精确性

    A Six Sigma Black Belt Project & Increase accuracy of digital humidity meter

  22. 有三种黑带培养方式值得深入研究。

    There are three modes of cultivating black belt which are worthy of researching .

  23. 6西格玛黑带应了解随机化和分块的概念。

    The Six Sigma Black Belt should understand the concepts of randomization and blocking .

  24. 九岁的她已接近黑带水平。

    At nine years old , she is already halfway to a black belt .

  25. 空手道黑带时髦女郎

    Black belt in Karate , impeccable dresser ,

  26. 阿丹:我是认真的;她是合气道黑带。

    Dan : I 'm serious ; she has a black belt in aikido .

  27. 另外,(她有个毛病),一旦喝醉了,就会把什么都告诉她男朋友,而他是空手道黑带。

    She tells him everything when drunk , and he 's a black-belt in karate .

  28. 这相当于在拳击中赢得了黑带。

    It is the trading equivalent of earning a black belt in the martial arts .

  29. 6西格玛黑带应能示范其理解故障树分析的能力。

    The Six Sigma Black Belt will demonstrate the ability to read a fault tree .

  30. 国安对空手道有浓厚兴趣,学武十多年,现已晋身为黑带。

    Anson has great interest in karate and is a " black belt " sportsman .