
  • 网络GRAPE;Black grape
  1. 不同生长调节剂对新疆秋黑葡萄枝条生长的影响

    Effect of Growth Modulator on Grape Branch Growth

  2. 他看见一些黑葡萄。

    He sees some black grapes .

  3. 一只很饿的狐狸看到一些熟透了的黑葡萄挂在一颗很高的树的葡萄藤上。

    A hungry fox saw some ripe black grapes hanging from a vine on a very tall tree .

  4. 这小猫咪可真可爱,一张毛茸茸的面孔上,嵌着一双黑葡萄似的小眼睛闪闪发亮。

    The little cat can be really cute , a furry face , set with a pair of black grapes like small eyes flashed .

  5. 你是指把不同的葡萄和葡萄汁混合在一起吗?这里提到香槟是由黑葡萄酿制的,这又是怎么回事呢?

    You mean blending different grapes and different juices ? It says here that champagne is made from black grapes , how can that be ?

  6. 他买了新鲜水果和蔬菜:桔子,红辣椒,鳄梨,蓝莓,蘑菇,茄子,黑葡萄,金色美味的苹果。

    He buys fresh fruits and vegetables : oranges , red peppers , avocados , blueberries , mushrooms , eggplant , black grapes , Golden Delicious apples .

  7. 有一个疑问:葡萄酒是怎么形成它独特的色泽的呢?因为几乎所有的葡萄汁(即使来自黑葡萄)基本上都是无色的。

    There is a wonder : how the grape wine gets its color , since almost all grape juice ( even from the black grapes ) is basically colorless .

  8. 香槟酒:一种高级的发泡葡萄酒,以其发源地(法国东北部香槟地区)命名。香槟只用三种葡萄为原料∶皮诺特和默尼尔黑葡萄、沙尔多内白葡萄。

    Champagne : Sparkling wine Named for the site of its origin , the Champagne region of northeastern France , it is made from only three grapes : pinot and meunier ( both black ) and chardonnay ( white ) .

  9. EF植物生长促进剂对黑莲子葡萄增产效果的影响

    The effect of EF on yield of Herbert grape

  10. 基于上述研究基础,本课题着重进行了以下几方面研究:建立了仙茅中苔黑酚葡萄糖苷,仙茅苷,仙茅素A的HPLC含量测定方法。

    The main contents of our study are as follows : The method of determination orcinol glucoside , curculigoside and curculigine A in Curculigo orchioides by HPLC was established .

  11. 黑皮诺葡萄最早开始种植可能是从古代勃艮第。

    The pinot noir grapehas been cultivated perhaps since antiquity in Burgundy .

  12. 背标显示其原料主要来自于2008年份,以黑比诺葡萄为主。

    A good , informative back label tells us this blend is mainly 2008 and Pinot Noir predominates .

  13. 赤霞珠、品丽珠、瑞引和黑比诺葡萄皮渣中,花色素苷的种类、含量和比例各不相同。

    Difference in anthocyanin content and distribution were found in four kinds of Cabernet Sauvignon , Cabernet Franc , Granoir and Pinot Noir grape pomace .

  14. 通常俄勒冈的黑松果葡萄含多酚的水平更高,欧洲的葡萄酒含的多酚比美国产的更多。

    Oregon pinot noirs tend to have higher levels of polyphenols and European wines tend to have more polyphenols than American wines , in general .

  15. 黑皮诺葡萄娇嫩、早熟、皮薄、很难种植,它的天然家乡在法国的勃艮第地区。

    Delicate , early-ripening and , with thin skins , difficult to grow , Pinot Noir grapes find their natural home in France 's Burgundy region .

  16. 温室内各处理早黑宝葡萄净光合速率的年变化表现明显的双峰曲线,露地净光合速率年变化呈现三峰曲线,最大峰值均出现在开花期。

    The curves of the year change of Pn shows double-peak in greenhouse and three-peak in open ground , both of the highest peak appear in the anthesis .

  17. 露地条件和蓝膜下的早黑宝葡萄叶绿素含量在着色期达到峰值,而白膜下则是在果实成熟期达到峰值。

    The peak value of chlorophyll content appears in the color period in the blue film and open ground , but that do in autumn in white film .

  18. 设施早黑宝葡萄矿质营养代谢及其相关性研究新陈代谢中的任何物质(新陈代谢的产物或必须物)。

    Studies on the Contents of the Mineral Nutrition of Zao Hei Bao Grape Cultivating under Greenhouse and the Correlation Among the Element ; any substance involved in metabolism ( either as a product of metabolism or as necessary for metabolism ) .

  19. 只有菠丽和黑安妮有葡萄。

    Only Polly and dark Annie were given grapes .

  20. 该黑曲霉β-葡萄糖苷酶有较高的热稳定性,50℃加热2h后酶活力减少为原来的92%。

    The thermostability of β - glucosidase from Aspergillus niger was high . When the enzyme was incubated at 50 ℃ for 2 h , the remaining activity was 92 % of the original level .

  21. 黑曲霉β-葡萄糖苷酶的筛选、克隆及表达

    Screening , Cloning and Expression of Aspergillus niger β - glucosidase

  22. 黑曲霉β-葡萄糖苷酶的活力测定和酶学性质

    Determine and Characteristics of β - glucosidase from ? Aspergillus niger

  23. 黑曲霉β-葡萄糖苷酶的纯化与性质

    Purification and Properties of β - Glucosidase From Aspergillus niger

  24. 黑曲霉α-葡萄糖苷酶基因的克隆及其在毕赤酵母中的表达

    Cloning of the gene encoding α - glucosidase from Aspergillus niger and its expression in Pichia pastoris

  25. 通过与酸水解和苦杏仁β-葡萄糖苷酶水解效率比较,发现该黑曲霉β-葡萄糖苷酶有较好的水解大豆异黄酮糖苷的能力。

    Comparing with acid and β - glucosidase from almond , β - glucosidase from Aspergillus niger showed the highest hydrolysis efficiency .

  26. 本论文在国内首次进行大豆β-葡萄糖苷酶、黑曲霉β-葡萄糖苷酶和杏仁β-葡萄糖苷酶三种酶对大豆异黄酮糖苷水解的研究。

    This is the first report to study the hydrolysis of soybean isoflavones glucosides with P - glucosidase from soybean , Aspergillus niger and almond .

  27. 该黑曲霉β-葡萄糖苷酶热稳定性较好,在50℃下保温2小时酶活力剩余92%。比大豆β-葡萄糖苷酶热稳定性好得多。

    The enzyme showed higher thermostability than that of soybean P - glucosidase for about 92 % of the activities remained after incubation at 50 C for 2 hour .

  28. 在这个岛屿上,那些大理石雕像简直就像黑红色的大葡萄似的,从花园里魔术般地长出来。

    Taza , Don Tommasino and Michael sat in the huge garden populated with those marble statues that on this island seemed to grow out of the garden as magically as the black heady grapes .

  29. 香槟包含夏敦埃酒,混合着黑皮诺和莫尼耶皮诺,这是两种包含着酚醛酸的黑葡萄,可以减少发炎,或许会保护脑细胞。

    Champagne contains chardonnay mixed with pinot noir and pinot meunier , two black grapes that contain phenolic acids , which are thought to reduce inflammation and may protect brain cells .

  30. 在黑比诺果实中只检测到5种花色素苷,其中二甲花翠素3-O-葡萄糖苷和甲基花青素3-O-葡萄糖苷构成了黑比诺葡萄果实的主要呈色物质,占总成分的94.18%。

    Only 5 kinds of anthocyanins were detected in Pinot Noir grape mainly including Malvidin 3-O-Glu and Peonidin 3-O-Glu ( the main coloration compositions ) which accounted for 94.18 % of the total anthocyanins .