
  • 网络Yersinia pestis;Yersinia;Y.pestis
  1. 这些数据包括气候、一种叫做大沙鼠的啮齿动物的丰富程度,以及感染鼠疫杆菌的大沙鼠的数量。

    This included information on climate , the abundance of rodents called great gerbils and the number of gerbils infected by Yersinia pestis .

  2. 经科学家证实,曾经引起瘟疫的耶尔森使鼠疫杆菌也是导致横扫欧洲的黑死病的重要原因。

    Scientists have now confirmed that Yersinia pestis which is known to cause cases of the plague today was also responsible for the brutally damaging bubonic plague which almost wiped out Europe .

  3. 编码微球悬浮芯片与改良ELISA鼠疫杆菌检测方法的比较研究

    Comparative Studies on Coding Microsphere Suspension Chips and Modified ELISA for the Rapid Detection of Yersinia Pestis

  4. 结果:经SDSpage鉴定和westernblot分析表明,转化的酿酒酵母可表达鼠疫杆菌F1表面抗原蛋白。

    RESULTS : SDS-PAGE and Western blot analysis showed that F1 antigen was expressed in Saccharomyces cerevisiae .

  5. 耶尔森氏鼠疫杆菌F1抗原的血清抗体滴度升高4倍或更高。

    Fourfold or greater change in serum antibody titer to Y.pestis F1 antigen .

  6. [方法]分别建立鼠疫杆菌编码微球悬浮芯片检测方法和改良ELISA方法,并进行比较。

    Method Two different methods ( cod - ing microsphere suspension chips and modified ELISA ) to detect Yersinia Pestis were developed and these two methods were compared .

  7. 在临床标本中荧光法检测出F1抗原。确诊性诊断的实验室标准:从临床标本中分离出耶尔森氏鼠疫杆菌;或者。

    Detection of F1 antigen In a clInical specimen by fluorescent assay . Confirmatory : Isolation of Y.pestis from a clInical specimen ; or .

  8. 得到的正是鼠疫杆菌的基因组。

    The genome is that of Y.pestis .

  9. 在调查期间,从人类、啮齿动物和家猫身上分离到了10株鼠疫杆菌。

    During the investigations , 10 strains of Y.pestis were isolated from humans , rodents and domestic cats .

  10. 快速纤维素试纸试验已验证供现场使用,以迅速地筛查患者的鼠疫杆菌抗原。

    Rapid dipstick tests have been validated for field use to quickly screen for Y.pestis antigen in patients .

  11. 气溶胶里的鼠疫杆菌可存活一小时并播散到10千米以外。

    The plague bacilli would remain viable as an aerosol for hour for a distance of up to10 kin .

  12. 幸运的是,今天的抗生素能杀死鼠疫杆菌并挽救其受害者在早期发现。

    Fortunately , today 's antibiotics can kill the Yersinia pestis bacteria and save its victim upon early detection .

  13. 结果,所试验的各种消毒剂对载体上和悬液内鼠疫杆菌均有较好的杀灭作用。

    The results showed that all the disinfectants tested had good efficacy in killing P. pestis on carrier and in suspension .

  14. 迄今并未发现鼠疫杆菌有耐药性,3个死亡病例主要是治疗不及时所致。

    No drug resistance of the bacterium has been found so far and the3 death cases have been attributed largely to delayed treatment .

  15. 除了确定鼠疫杆菌是引发黑死病的罪魁祸首,这篇论文也让我们对于这种直到今天仍在制造死亡的疾病有了新的认识。

    As well as confirming the status of Y. pestis as the cause of the black death , this paper brings to light new information about a disease which still results in deaths today .

  16. 论文作者们相信查士丁尼大瘟疫要么是由现在已不存在于人体的一种完全不同的鼠疫杆菌引起的,要么就是一种完全不同的疾病而和现代淋巴腺鼠疫完全无关。

    The authors of the paper believe that these outbreaks were either caused by a completely different variety of Y. pestis , not now present in humans , or were of a different disease altogether , and therefore cannot be linked to modern cases of bubonic plague .

  17. 该论文也提出现存的所有鼠疫杆菌菌株都可以追朔到黑死病,而不是像之前所认为的来源于六到八世纪先后数次席卷欧洲的查士丁尼大瘟疫。

    The paper also suggests that every existing strain of Y.pestis can be traced to the black death , and not to the plague of Justinian , a series of epidemics which hit Europe in the sixth , seventh and eighth centuries , as had been previously thought .

  18. 目的为了解鼠疫布氏杆菌病洁净实验室空气净化程度,给今后该类型生物实验室的卫生评价提供基础资料。

    Object To understand the atomospheric cleanness in the bio-clean laboratory for plague and brucellosis control , provide basic data for hygienic evaluation on these kind of laboratories .

  19. 这组科学家指出,这表明引发鼠疫的耶森氏鼠疫杆菌(Yersiniapestis)能对抗生素产生耐药性,而抗生素在治疗和预防这种疾病方面至关重要。

    The researchers say this illustrates how easily Yersinia pestis the bacterium causing plague can develop resistance to antibiotics , which are vital in the treatment and prevention of the disease .

  20. 鼠疫的病原体是耶尔森氏鼠疫杆菌,这是一种主要感染跳蚤的细菌。被感染的跳蚤随后把鼠疫杆菌传给啮齿动物。

    Plague is caused by Yersinia pestis , a bacterium that primarily infects fleas , which then transmit the bacterium to rodents .

  21. Antolin说,变暖本身不太可能增加鼠疫暴发的风险,因为鼠疫杆菌不能耐受过热或者过干的环境。他还指出,如今只有很少的人与啮齿动物和跳蚤接触。

    Antolin says that warming alone is unlikely to increase the risk of plague outbreaks , because the bacterium cannot tolerate excessively warm or dry conditions .

  22. 较常见的晚期腺鼠疫将造成血液中存在鼠疫杆菌。

    More commonly advanced stages of bubonic plague will result in the presence of Y.pestis in the blood .

  23. 为筛选适合鼠疫实验室应用的化学消毒剂,采用载体和悬液定性试验对8种化学消毒剂,分别进行杀灭鼠疫杆菌效果测定,并进行了实际应用研究。

    In order to screen the chemical disinfectants suitable for use in plague laboratory , carrier and suspension qualitative tests were used to measure the efficacy of 8 chemical disinfectants in killing Pasteurella pestis and actual applied study was also carried out .