
  • 网络Gear pair;Gear Joint
  1. 螺旋齿轮副的棱-面啮合B组为异系移植组;

    Edge-face engage of spiral gear set group A : nonoperative control ;

  2. 探讨了从CAD装配模型中识别齿轮副的自动识别算法。

    In this study , an automatic identification algorithm for gear joint is proposed based on a CAD assembly model .

  3. 利用Matlab编制软件绘制斜齿锥齿轮副齿面接触的空间图形。

    Space figure of gears contact was drawn up by Matlab .

  4. 具有优化性的齿轮副CAD软件

    An Optimization Software for Gears CAD

  5. 确定少齿差内齿轮副变位系数的切线法一个比Newton法收敛快而稳的两点切线法

    Newton Method for Determining the Addendum Modification Coefficient of Internal Gear Pair with Small Difference in Number of Teeth

  6. 基于ANSYS的磨齿机立柱的静动态研究球磨机齿轮副振动问题的分析及改进

    Study on Static & Dynamic Performance of the Column of Gear Grinder Based on ANSYS Studying and Improvement on Vibration of Ball Mill Gear Run

  7. 本文基于建模软件Pro/E和有限元分析软件ANSYS,研究一种圆柱齿轮副三维参数化建模和参数化静态特性分析的方法。

    This paper primarily researches a method for three-dimensional parametric modeling and analyzing static characteristic of cylindrical gears based on Pro / E and ANSYS software .

  8. 该齿轮副模型包含传统齿轮副扭转振动模型的全部动力学内容,能在ADAMS中方便定义,应用广泛。

    The model includes all the kinetic contents of a torsional vibration model , and can be defined easily and widely applied in ADAMS .

  9. 按照此方法基于UG软件实现了一对21-35齿的弧齿锥齿轮副的建模。

    According to the dimensions and parameters offered by the drawing , it builds the models of a21 / 35 teeth gear pair .

  10. 试验结果验证了基于TCA分析的面齿轮副性能预控理论和蝶形砂轮磨削理论的正确性及工程可行性。

    The experimental results show that the performance pre-control theory based on TCA and grinding disk theory of the face gear are correct .

  11. 介绍了利用偏心套调整AccuRoll轧管机相穿孔机主传动减速机齿轮副啮合状态的工艺。

    The article covers the technique of adjusting tooth engagement of the main drive reducer gear system of both Accu Roll Mill and Piercer by means of setting the eccentric sleeve .

  12. D-10D双进双出球磨机齿轮副国产化研究及实践

    Study and Development of Domestic Gear Wheel of D-10D Double Inlet and Outlet Ball Mill

  13. 首先根据齿轮副的工况、性能和尺寸要求,确定了齿轮副消隙结构及其尺寸参数,进而应用有限元软件ANSYS的APDL语言编写程序建立精确的齿轮副参数化模型。

    According to the condition , performance and size requirements of the gear pair , the structure to coordinate gap and size parameters are determined . APDL program of finite element software ANSYS is used to establish accurate parametric gear model .

  14. 等高弧齿锥齿轮副是用平面齿轮原理在奥利康(Oerlikon)铣齿机上切制的。

    The spiral bevel gear pair with equal-addendum is cutted by the Oerlikon miller on the theory of plane gear .

  15. 针对TATSUNO双圆弧组合泵存在的不足,提出了该泵中的一对齿轮副采用定传动比的圆弧及其包络线齿轮副的方案,以改善泵的性能。

    To overcome the disadvantage of TATSUNO combined pumps and to improve the characteristics of the pumps , a new kind of pump with the fixed transmission ratio is proposed , the teeth of which are circle-arc and its envelope .

  16. 直线共轭内啮合齿轮副啮合特性分析

    Analysis of Meshing Properties for the Straight Conjugate Internal Gear Pair

  17. 一种齿轮副模型及其在多体动力学仿真中的应用

    A gear pair model and its application in the software ADAMS

  18. 考虑随机装配间隙的变速器齿轮副非线性动力学研究

    Nonlinear Dynamics Research of Transmission Gear Pair with Random Assembly Gap

  19. 交错轴渐开线锥形齿轮副啮合原理研究

    Study on gearing principle of crossed - axes conical involute gears

  20. 论文研究主要内容如下:1、对齿轮副进行摩擦动力学研究。

    The content of this paper are the following : 1 .

  21. 变周节齿轮副的啮合系数初探

    The Rave Engage Coefficient Value of Change Weekly Link Gear Pair

  22. 齿轮副无侧隙研合技术及其应用

    No Side Breakage Lapping Method for Gear Pair and Its Application

  23. 机械传动中齿轮副机械效率计算方法的研究

    Research on calculation method of machinery efficiency of transmision gear wheels

  24. 齿轮副端面重合度统一定义及其计算式

    Common Definition and Calculation Formula of Transerse Contact Ratio for Gear Pair

  25. 圆柱齿轮副侧隙峰值法计算公式的实验验证

    The Experimental Proof of the Calculating Formula for Cylindrical Gear Pair Backlash

  26. 平面机构中齿轮副的类别及其确定方法

    The classification of gear pairs and its classification methods in plane mechanism

  27. 机械装配模型中齿轮副的自动识别

    Automatic gear joint identification based on a mechanical assembly model

  28. 渐开线内齿轮副相对滑动率的研究

    Study on Relative Sliding Ratio of Involute Internal Gear Pair

  29. 弹流润滑条件下塑料与钢制齿轮副啮合效率的计算

    Calculation of Gearing Efficiency of Plastic Steel Gears under EHD Lubrication Condition

  30. 具有误差激励齿轮副的动态响应研究

    Study on the Dynamic Response of the Gear Pair with Error Excitation