首页 / 词典 / good

  • age;years;duration;length of time
  • 岁数:年~。高~。松~鹤寿。

  • 年数:工~。党~。军~。教~。


(岁数) age; years:

  • 老龄

    old age; advanced in years;

  • 学龄儿童

    school-age children;

  • 高龄

    advanced in years;

  • 同龄

    the same age


(年限) length of time; duration:

  • 军龄

    length of military service;

  • 工龄

    length of service; years of service


(某些生物体发育过程中不同的阶段) instar:

  • 成虫龄

    adult instar;

  • 幼虫龄

    larval instar;

  • 蛹龄

    pupal instar

  1. 就车龄而论,这辆车的状况好极了。

    The car is in remarkably good condition for its age .

  2. 在天然光线下饲养的小鸡,经常是在一日龄时或在进入育雏室后几天内断喙。

    Chicks reared under natural light are frequently debeaked AT1 day of age or a few days after delivery to the brooder .

  3. 他已有三十年警龄。

    He has30 years of police service .

  4. 10周龄体尺指标之间体现骨胳生长的指标如颈长、体长、胸骨长之间有显著的相关性(P<0.05)。

    The correlation between the neck length , stem length and sternum length were significant ( p < 0.05 ) .

  5. 性状的遗传方差、变异系数及重复力(R)的枝龄有关。

    Variability coefficient and repeatability ( R ) of characters were related to branch ages .

  6. 14日龄第Ⅲ、Ⅳ组鱼体磷脂含量显著高于第Ⅰ组(P<0.05),21日龄各组间鱼体磷脂含量无显著性差异(P>0.05);

    Body PL contents of 14-day-old larvae in group ⅲ, ⅳ were significantly higher than group I ( P < 0.05 );

  7. KM小鼠哺乳期内日龄与体重的关系

    Correlation between days and liveweight of KM mice in milking period

  8. 另取20只正常雌性8周龄SD大鼠作为空白组(C组)。

    In addition , 20 normal eight-week-old SD rats were used as blank group ( group C ) .

  9. GC(02)球虫病疫苗的最佳免疫剂量与免疫日龄的研究

    Research of Optimum Immune Dosage and Age of GC_ ( 02 ) Coccidian Vaccine

  10. 目的:了解正常5月龄SD大鼠空间学习记忆行为的变化规律。

    Objectives : To study the laws of the spatial learning and memory in rats .

  11. 方法APP转基因小鼠从4~10月龄灌胃给予参乌胶囊。

    Methods APP transgenic mice were administered intragastrically by Shen-wu capsule or water from 4 to 10 months old .

  12. 另一批未处理的APP转基因小鼠饲养至10月龄开始灌胃给予TSG6个月。

    For un-treated 10 months APP Tg mice , TSG were administrated to them from 10 to 16 months old .

  13. IgA肾病随增龄变化的特点及其与预后指标的关系

    Study on the association of prognostic indices with the renal pathological lesions with aging in IgA nephropathy

  14. 目的观察胰岛不同月龄组大鼠胰岛A和B细胞的分布规律,为临床胰岛细胞移植手术的成功开展提供参考。

    Objective To observe the distributed pattern of the islet A and B cells in rats of varying months , and provide a reference for the success of the islet cell transplantation .

  15. 方法随机选取409只对不同月龄自繁食蟹猴,采用BVELISA法进行BV抗体监测。

    Method BV antibodies of 409 captive-bred cynomolgus monkeys selected randomly were monitored strictly with BV ELISA .

  16. 龄期对碳纤维RPC力学性能的影响跟养护制度有关。

    An impact on carbon fiber RPC mechanical properties relates to the fact that maintain the system age .

  17. 24周龄SHR心率与正常大鼠相近,而左心室重量指数显著增高,同时发现24周龄SHR的右心室与左心室有同比例肥大。

    We also found the right ventricular had the same rate hypertrophy with the left ventricular .

  18. GH细胞密度,胚胎早期升高,晚期随胎龄增长逐渐下降。

    The density of GH-cells increases in early embryo and decreases gradually with fetal ages in late embryo .

  19. 选择1日龄爱拔益加(AA)商品肉鸡135只,随机分成3个组(A、B、C组),每组设3个重复,每个重复15只。

    135 one-day-old AA broilers were randomly divided into three groups ( A , B and C ), with three replications in each group and 15 broilers in each replication .

  20. 方法4周龄雌性Wistar大鼠48只,分两批试验:每批24只,随机分为1个实验组和1个对照组(虚拟暴露组)。

    Methods Female Wistar rats at age of 4 week-old were randomly divided into 4 groups ( 12 rats in each ) .

  21. 各日龄组甲状腺滤泡的变化和甲状腺分泌的含量变化与T4的波动相一致。

    The fluctuations of thyroid follicles and secretion of thyroxine are in keeping with that of T4 .

  22. 北京地区中老年人糖尿病和IGT患病率与增龄相关性的分析

    Prevalent changes of diabetes and IGT with age increment in middle and old age population in Beijing

  23. 用6月龄大月份流产的新鲜肝脏组织为材料,提取总RNA,通过反转录得到cDNA,并以此为模板,经PCR得到人Angiostatin基因的AK(1-3)片段。

    Human angiostatin k ( 1-3 ) cDNA has been obtained by RT-PCR from total RNA of an abortive foetus of six months .

  24. 方法:10月龄雌性SD大鼠手术切除双侧卵巢后1周口服葛根异黄酮,连续7个月,在第1.5、4.0和7.0个月时测定血清或肝脏的脂质水平。

    TIP was administrated orally for 7 months . Serum lipids were determined at 1.5,4.0 and 7.0 months , and liver lipids were detected at 7 months .

  25. 结果表明,免疫前,8日龄雏鸡的ND抗体效价为25.8,18日龄雏鸡的ND抗体均为阴性;

    The results show , ND antibody titers of 8 d chicks were 2 ~ ( 5.8 ) and that of 18 d chicks were all negative before inoculation ;

  26. 120日龄,仅有圆核和下丘脑室旁核等少数核团出现有NGF阳性产物;

    In the diencephalons of chicken of 120 day , NGF-IR positive neurons are found only in Nucleus rotundus and paraventricular nucleus , etc.

  27. 方法:给予4周龄Wistar大鼠低碘饲料和去离子水喂养3个月,全面观察甲状腺各项相关指标的变化。

    Methods : We fed 4 week-old Wistar rats with iodine-deficient forage and deionized water for 3 months and studied the relative indexes of thyroid .

  28. 目的:比较分析不同月龄段大鼠胃机械&电活动变化及胃肠粘膜、脑组织中GAS、MTL、VIP水平。

    Purpose : To study the aging associated change of gastric electro-movement and the level of GAS , MTL , VIP in gastrointestinal mucosa and brain tissue .

  29. 选用12日龄蛋公雏90只,随机分成3组,Ⅰ组每羽肌注鸡血清制剂1mL;

    Male chicks of 12 day old were divided into three groups .

  30. 选1日龄Avian肉仔鸡204羽,随机分成4组(每组3个重复,每个重复17羽)。

    Two hundred and 4 healthy 1-day old Avian broiler were randomly divided into 4 treatments , each including 3 replicates ( 17 birds per replicate ) .
