
lónɡ rén
  • the Chinese people
  1. 扬州市唐-龙人贸易有限公司。

    YangZhou Tang-dragon 's people 's Trade Co. , Ltd.

  2. 中国屹立世东方,山河壮丽龙人传。

    Oriental Bank of China tower , the magnificent mountains and rivers Long Biographies .

  3. “不断创新,追求完美”是昊龙人追求的目标,我们愿与广大新老客户携手共创新世纪的辉煌。

    " innovate constantly , pruse perfection " is Longhao people 's aim , we sincerely hope to cooperate with new and old customers hand in hand to create a bright future together !

  4. “诚信为本、客户至上、精益求精、质量第一”是公司的立业之本,也是龙泰人的一致追求。

    Basic Sincerity , Customer Respect , Constant Improvement , Quality First is the foundation of our company and it is the also the goal of each Longtaiperson .

  5. 河歌是龙额人精神文化的主要载体,民族传统文化传承的主要表现形式。

    The river song is not only the main carrier of spiritual culture of Long E people , but also the main form of traditional cultural heritage of the nation .

  6. 但是就像他跟一个不懂这些迅猛龙的人(这样的人有不少)所说的,这跟控制无关,它是基于尊重而建立起来的一种关系。

    Yet as he says to one of the many humans who don 't seem to really get his raptors , It 's not about control . It 's a relationship based on respect .

  7. 但是就像他跟一个不懂这些迅猛龙的人(这样的人有不少)所说的,“这跟控制无关,它是基于尊重而建立起来的一种关系。”

    Yet as he says to one of the many humans who don 't seem to really get his raptors , " It 's not about control . It 's a relationship based on respect . "

  8. 你不可能是龙提到的人。

    You can 't be who the Dragon meant .

  9. 龙是中国人幻想出来的动物。

    Dragons are creatures of Chinese fancy .

  10. 龙,在苗族人心目中是吉祥如意的象征。

    In the eyes of the Miao , the dragon is a symbol of good luck .

  11. 龙芽草的人乐天、开朗、幽默、爱好和平,他们会因争论或不和吵闹而苦恼忧虑,为避免争端会妥协放弃己见。

    The jovial , cheerful , humorous people who love peace and are distressed by argument or quarrel , to avoid which they will agree to give up much .

  12. 在傣族人民心中是祥瑞与美丽的象征,龙,在苗族人心目中是吉祥如意的象征。

    In the mind of the Dai ethnic group , it stands for auspiciousness and beauty . In the eyes of the Miao , the dragon is a symbol of good luck .

  13. 公立学校学生1000人,男580人,女420人;其中海口市第一中学学生500人,海口市义龙中学学生500人。

    000 students ( 580 males and 420 females ) from public schools , among them , 500 students were from Haikou First Middle School and 500 students were from Haikou Yilong Middle School ;

  14. 中国越地农村遗存有以龙圣祈龙求雨的崇信,其中的龙圣与学人一般的想像大为不同,往往只是一些普通的水生物,甚至还可以是昆虫。

    In some rural areas of the Yue Region in Southeast China , there still exists the worship of dragon for rain . Unlike some scholars ' interpretations , the dragon is only a common creature in water , and it can even be an insect .