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  1. 正如总部位于北京的龙州经讯(DragonomicsResearchAdvisory)所指出的,迄今为止,中国人的大部分消费仍集中在基本需求方面很多亚洲新兴国家皆是如此。

    As Beijing-based Dragonomics Research & Advisory points out , by far the bulk of Chinese consumption is focused on the basics-as in much of emerging Asia .

  2. 正如总部位于北京的龙州经讯(DragonomicsResearch&Advisory)所指出的,迄今为止,中国人的大部分消费仍集中在基本需求方面--很多亚洲新兴国家皆是如此。

    As Beijing-based Dragonomics Research & Advisory points out , by far the bulk of Chinese consumption is focused on the basics - as in much of emerging Asia .

  3. EVI植被指数变化最小的为龙州,最小值为-10.33,最大值为18.72,龙州县内植被生长变化比较均衡。

    EVI vegetation index in the smallest state for long , the minimum is - 10.33 , the maximum was 18.72 , Longzhou more balanced growth changes within the vegetation .

  4. 近代龙州风俗演变浅论

    On the Development of Social Customs in Modern Longzhou

  5. 红色旅游资源的拓展开发模式研究&以广西龙州县为例

    Research on expansion development model of red tourism & a case study of longzhou , guangxi

  6. 用数学模拟方法研究广西龙州县金龙水库的水量补给、调蓄及排泄。

    The water recharge , regulation and discharge is modelled mathematically in Jinlong reservoir , Longzhou county , Guangxi .

  7. 对外开放是龙州城近代化的主要动力,粤商缔造了龙州城近代市场,地方政府出于国防安全考虑也积极推进龙州城近代化建设和发展。

    Guangdong businessmen found the modern market in Longzhou and the local government also took active measures to promote the city construction and development in the consideration of national defense .

  8. 结果表明,4个地理种群均是生物型Ⅱ的优势种群,其中龙州种群内还含有少量孟加拉型个体,其平均取食量差异不显著;

    The results indicated that all the dominant populations of the four geographical BPH populations belonged to Biotype II , but only a few BPH individuals in Longzhou Population belonged to Biotype Bengalese .

  9. 加强口岸经济合作,促进广西龙州与越南高平、谅山边境经济发展关于中越关系及南宁谅山河内海防经济走廊建设的一些看法

    Strengthening the Economy Cooperation in Port , Promoting the Development of Frontier Economy between Longzhou , China and Gaoping Liangshan , Vietnam On Sino-Vietnamese Relations and Proposals on the Construction of Nanning-Lang Son-Hanoi-Haiphong Economic Corridor

  10. 还有南丽湖福寿鱼、仙沟粉、定城粽子、龙州香芋头、雷鸣花生油、南丽湖矿泉水,以及火龙果、圣女果等等,都是定安特色品牌。

    Still Nanli Lake fish , Xiangou Pho , Dingcheng Zongzi , Longzhou taro , Leiming peanut oil , Nanli Lake mineral water , and Pitaya , cherry tomato all are the featured brand in Ding'an .

  11. 通过分析1877年至1931年间广西近代开关四口商埠的进出口贸易发展状况,发现龙州在广西对外进出口贸易中所占的比例非常低,北海开埠后一段时期总体保持上涨的趋势。

    By analyzing the imports and exports of the four ports during 1877-1931 in Guangxi Province , the author find that Longzhou took a very low proportion of import and export trade in Guangxi . Beihai maintained the upward trend overall some time after its inception of opening .