
  • 网络Longjiang River
  1. 广西龙江流域水环境状况及地下水资源潜力评价

    Water environment and potential of water resources in Longjiang River Watershed of Guangxi

  2. 龙江流域00·6暴雨洪水分析

    Analysis of " 00.6 " storm flood in the Longjiang river valley

  3. 基于GIS的九龙江流域农业非点源氮磷负荷估算研究

    Nitrogen and Phosphorus Loading of Agricultural Non-point Sources in Jiulong River Watershed Based on GIS

  4. 独龙江流域TM图像的分区分类方法探讨

    An Investigation on Subr-egion Classification Method of TM Image in Dulong River Basin

  5. 福建九龙江口水体的pH、碱度与盐度、相对电导率的关系及pH计算值

    The relationships among ph , alkalinity , salinity and relative conductivity and the calculated pH in the Jiulong River estuarine water

  6. 基于SWOT分析法的龙江集团木材加工业营销战略探析

    On Marketing Strategy of Wood-processing Industry of Longjiang Group Based on SWOT Analysis

  7. 这一结论和我们用~(226)Ra示踪法研究九龙江入海泥沙运动所得到的结果一致。

    This results agree with that obtained by other method ( i.e. method of ~ ( 226 ) Ra tracer ) .

  8. 研究了九龙江河口及相邻海区颗粒有机碳(POC)的分布变化特征及POC与浮游植物生物量的关系。

    The characteristics of the distribution of particulate organic carbon ( POC ) and its relationship with phytoplankton biomass are studied .

  9. 预期项目将获得3S集成、6项专题报告和8大示范工程等成果,以认识九龙江、建设九龙江和展示九龙江。

    Expected fruits compromise of 3S integration , 6 special reports and 8 demonstrative projects aiming at understanding Jiulong River , building Jiulong River and exhibiting Jiulong River .

  10. 对九龙江流域分幅数字高程模型(DEM)进行图幅拼接、网格重分及切割等处理分析,生成九龙江流域数字高程模型。

    The digital elevation model of the Jiulong River Basin is generated through map mosaic , grid re-division , and separation of all the DEM maps of the Jiulong River Basin .

  11. 第三部分:对龙江森工集团绿色食品营销环境和SWOT进行分析,得出龙江森工集团绿色食品营销的优势与劣势,机遇和威胁。

    To analyze the green food marketing environment and SWOT of Longjiang forest industrial group , point out green food marketing strength 、 weakness 、 opportunity and threat of Longjiang forest industrial group .

  12. 九龙江流域大气氮沉降通量为14.9kgN/(hm2·y),其中干沉降占34%,湿沉降占66%;

    The annual deposition atmospheric N flux amounted to 14.9 kg N / hm2 , of which dry deposition and wet deposition accounts for 34 % and 66 % , respectively .

  13. 本文分析了1979年2&4月间采集于九龙江河口海区106份生物样品的Hg、Cu、Pb、Zn和Cd含量。

    Hg , Cu , Pb , Zn , Cd concentrations for 106 samples of benthic and pelagic organisms collected from the estuary of the Jiulong River , Fujian Province during the period from Feb. to Apr. 1979 were determined .

  14. 我们通过研究首次获得了九龙江河口水体和沉积物中ARGs的分布数据,并结合厦门污水处理设施样品探讨了九龙江河口ARGs的可能污染源。

    By this study , we get the distribution of ARGs in the water and sediment of Jiulong river estuary , and combined with wastewater plant treatment in Xiamen discussed the pollution sources of the Jiulong river estuary .

  15. 龙江森工集团家具企业营销策略研究

    The Marketing Tactics Research on Furniture Enterprise of Longjiang Forestry Group

  16. 龙江路、辽宁路元皮的质量差异

    The Difference of Fur Quality between Heilongjiang Weasel and Liaoning Weasel

  17. 龙江森工集团与企业形象战略

    Longjiang forest industry group and CI ( corporate indentity ) strategy

  18. 福建九龙江流域给水厂污泥脱水性能的试验研究

    Experimental research on sludge dewatering property at waterworks in Xiamen City

  19. 龙江讲坛:传播公共文化服务的崭新平台

    Longjiang Forum : a New Platform of Disseminating Public Cultural Services

  20. 九龙江流域河口近海系统有机氯农药的来源、时空分布与入海通量

    Sources , Distributions and Fluxes of Organochlorine Pesticides in Jiulong River-Estuary-Sea System

  21. 龙江县坡耕地治理措施初探

    Brief discussion on governing measure to the slope plowland in Longjiang County

  22. 论龙江森工林区继续减产及全面停伐的必要性

    Necessity Of Output Reduction And Stopping Felling In Heilongjiang Forest Industry Region

  23. 福清龙江水污染现状及控制对策

    Water Pollution of Long River and It 's Control Countermeasures

  24. 独龙江中下游流域的鱼类区系

    Ichthyofauna of Middle and Lower Reach of the Dulong River

  25. 关于龙江老煤炭工业基地产业结构的分析研究

    Analysis on industry structure of old coal industry base : Longjiang City

  26. 九龙江流域大气氮干沉降

    Dry deposition of atmospheric nitrogen to Jiulong River watershed in southeast China

  27. 九龙江污染物入海通量初步估算

    Preliminary estimate for the contaminations fluxes from Jiulong River to the sea

  28. 地震模拟振动台的数字仿真及其在龙江拱坝上的应用

    Numerical simulation of shaking table and its application to Longjiang Arch Dam

  29. 龙江组底部的不整合是该区侏罗系与白垩系的界线。

    The basal unconformable boundary is the Jurassic-Cretaceous boundary of this area .

  30. 九龙江河口区有机物的转移和入海通量

    Transfer and input flux of organic matter in Jiulong Estuary