
lóng dòng
  • cave;cavern;natural cave (cavern)
龙洞 [lóng dòng]
  • [natural cave (cavern)] 溶洞,是石灰岩被含有碳酸气的水溶解而部分消失后形成的

龙洞[lóng dòng]
  1. 济南龙洞景区河流袭夺探析

    Primary study on the river capture in Dragon Cave area of Jinan City

  2. 黄龙洞沉积的环境意义及旅游开发评价

    A Study on the Sedimentary Environment of Huanglong Cave and the Evaluation of It 's Tourism Exploitation

  3. B:真的吗?A:是的。明天我们要去参观黄龙洞。据说它是世界上最美丽的溶洞之一,吸引了很多游客。

    B : You do ? A : Yes . And tomorrow we are going to visit Huanglongdong . It is said to be one of the most beautiful karst caves in the world and it has interested so many travellers .

  4. 经济带中心距贵阳不足10km,经济带西北面就在贵阳境内,紧邻贵阳及龙洞堡国际机场,优越的区位条件省内仅有。

    With the northwest side in Guiyang City , neighboring Guiyang and Longdongbao International Airport , the economy belt enjoys location advantage .

  5. 武陵源黄龙洞发育及其洞穴景观研究

    Researches on the development and cavern landscape of huanglong-dong in Wuling yuan

  6. 龙洞水库坝基帷幕灌浆施工及效果分析

    Effect of Curtain Grouting on the Foundation of Longdong Dam

  7. 而且我也不要去龙洞攀岩。

    And I 'm not climbing at Longdong , either .

  8. 阿丹:除了那些,我们还可以去龙洞攀岩。

    Dan : Besides that , we could rock climb at Longdong .

  9. 何必丝与竹山水有清音&峨嵋山龙洞风景旅游区规划设计

    Planning of Dragon Cave Tourist Spot in Emei Mountain

  10. 在武当山,黄龙洞是和武当道教医药联系在一起的。

    The Wudang Mountain , Huanglong hole is Wudang Taoism and Chinese medicine linked .

  11. 管理单位表示,龙洞攀岩场相当适合推广给全世界知道。

    The managing authorities said that Longdong is worthy of being promoted throughout the world .

  12. 龙洞河流域马尾松群落结构及改造技术的研究

    Studies on the structure and improving techniques of the masson pine community in Longdong River Valley

  13. 龙洞-74m水平采矿巷道围岩稳定性评价

    Wall Rock Stability Evaluation of Mining Tunnel in-74 m Level in Longdong Zone of Daye Iron Mine

  14. 历史上以黄龙洞眼药、八定紫金锭等药物而驰名。

    Huanglong hole in the history of ophthalmic drugs , eight for Zijin spindles and well-known drug .

  15. 张家界黄龙洞景区,音乐节开幕式主会场,风景秀丽。

    The Huanglong Cave Scenic Spots in Zhangjiajie , the main performance site of the Country Music Week .

  16. 龙洞攀岩场因攀岩路线多元,适合各种程度的攀岩者攀岩,也因此广为人知。

    Suitable for climbers of all levels , the climbing area is well known for its variety of routes .

  17. 盘龙洞生物礁古油气藏位于四川省宣汉县鸡唱乡盘龙洞,是一个海绵礁古油气藏;

    The present paper propose a newly discovered sponge-reef fossil oil-gas pool in the ChangxingFormationin the Panlongdong , Xuanhan , Sichuan .

  18. 岷江上游干旱河谷区龙洞沟泥石流及其防治

    Prevention and control of debris flow in dry valley of the upper Minjiang River : A case study of Longdong Gully

  19. 一只玳瑁八月二十三日于新北市龙洞湾海底,努力挣脱困住它的渔网。

    A hawksbill sea turtle struggles to free itself from a fishing net in New Taipei City 's Longdong Bay on Aug.23 .

  20. 今天下午从龙洞上完课回家的路上,我去见一位多年没有见面的老师。

    On my way home after I finished my classes in LongDong this afternoon , I dropped on one of my former teachers .

  21. 泥石流流域生态经济分区及关键调控措施&以岷江上游干旱河谷区龙洞沟为例

    Ecological and Economic Zoning of Debris-flow Basin and Regulating Measures & A Case Study of Longdong Gully on the Upper Reach of Minjiang River

  22. 本文研究了贵州南部独山地区中泥盆统龙洞水组所产的带珊瑚类标本。

    This paper deals with the Zonophyllids collected from the Longdongshui Formation of the Early Middle Devonian ( Eifelian ) in Dushan of southern Guizhou .

  23. 黄龙洞――洞中奇石、钙化池如黄龙梯田,有洞中梯田之誉。

    Yellow Dragon Cavity : strange stone , calcified pond in cavity such as Yellow Dragon Terrace , it is honored as terrace of cavity .

  24. 湖北省黄龙洞“郧西人”遗址是2004年新发现的一处重要的更新世晚期古人类遗址。

    The Huanglongdong Cave site ( named " Yunxi Man Site "), which was discovered in2004 , is an important paleoanthropological site of Late Pleistocene in China .

  25. 龙洞湾多金属矿床大地构造处于昆仑秦岭褶皱区秦岭褶皱系礼县-柞水-海西地槽褶皱带中部。

    The Longdongwan polymetallic ore deposit geostructure is in middle the Kunlun Mountains Qinling folded region Qinling system of fold Li xian-Zashui Haixi geosyncline belt of folded strata .

  26. 湖北郧西黄龙洞遗址是一处珍贵的更新世晚期古人类遗址,其首次出土了中国境内距今100~50ka的人类化石,弥补了我国人类化石在这一阶段的缺环。

    Huanglong cave site is a valuable late Pleistocene ancient human site . It is the first time that 100 - 50 ka human fossils were unearthed in China .

  27. 恩施到利川有着许多美丽的风景名胜,比如石林,比如腾龙洞,我十分热爱自己的家乡。

    Has many beautiful sceneries scenic spots Enshi to advantage sichuan , for instance the hoodoo , for instance leaps the natural tunnel , iextremely deeply love own hometown .

  28. 桂林盘龙洞滴水的物理化学指标变化研究及其意义桂林的另一特点是其形态怪异的岩洞。

    Study on the Variation of Physical-Chemical Properties of Dripping Water in the Panlong Cave in Guilin and Its Significance Another special characteristic of Kweilin is its weirdly-shaped mountain grottoes .

  29. 岷江上游干旱河谷带山地灾害对水质影响研究&以茂县龙洞沟流域为例

    The Research on Mountain Disasters ' Impact on Water Quality in Drought Valley Areas of Minjiang River 's Upper Stream & A Case Study of Longdong Gou Valley in Mao County

  30. 黄龙洞以其庞大的立体结构洞穴空间、丰富的溶洞景观、水陆兼备的游览观光线路独步天下,内中有天然空调。

    Huanglong Cave cave with its huge three-dimensional structure of space , cave-rich landscape , with both land and water sightseeing line solution the world , there is within the natural air conditioning .