
lóng dēng
  • dragon lantern
龙灯 [lóng dēng]
  • [dragon lantern] 中国民间游艺时特制的布龙,内有彩灯,由多节构成,每人持一节,与锣鼓音乐配合起舞

龙灯[lóng dēng]
  1. 赣闽粤客家打龙灯舞狮子与民俗体育文化

    Hakka " Dragon Lantern and Lion " and Folk-custom PE Culture

  2. 这是我这辈子见过的最大的龙灯。

    It 's the biggest dragon lantern I 've ever seen in all my life .

  3. 龙灯随着锣鼓声进来,停在二门外的大天井里

    The dragon dance troupe , beating drums and cymbals , entered the outer compound .

  4. 说起龙灯,也有许多动人的传说。

    As for dragon lanterns , there are many moving stories .

  5. 耍龙灯,也称舞龙灯或龙舞。

    Playing dragon , also known as the dragon dance or dragon dance .

  6. 耍龙灯和舞狮子是春节期间的传统项目。

    The Dragon Dance and Lion Dance are traditionally performed during the festival .

  7. 当然各个地方都有当地的文娱活动,比如狮子舞、龙灯舞等。

    Certainly , each place has its local activities , like Lion Dance or Dragon Dance .

  8. 锣鼓不住地响着,龙灯开始舞动了。

    To the pounding beat of the drums and cymbals , the Dragon began to dance .

  9. 五舅他们得到了满足,玩龙灯的人得到了赏钱。

    Uncle Ke-ting and his friends enjoyed themselves , and the dragon dancers got their money .

  10. 但是,我们却可以在世俗化的龙灯文化中,找到中国龙的全部意趣。

    We can , however , find what makes a heavenly dragon in secular Dragon Lantern culture .

  11. 觉英带了觉群到街上去看人烧龙灯。

    The little boys went out to the street to watch other dragon lanterns being burned up .

  12. 舞龙灯的季节,人们会请人到家里来舞一回。

    When the Dragon Dance time is coming , people often ask actor to dance in their home .

  13. 在迎灯的队伍里,最引人注目的往往是舞龙灯,又称为龙舞。

    In the lantern parade , dragon-lantern dancing , also known as the dragon-dance , is usually the most eye-catching .

  14. 这种油捻燃烧力很持久,龙灯舞动时五光十色,始终不会熄灭。

    This twist burning oil Li is very durable , when the colorful dragon dance , and always will not be extinguished .

  15. 有的地方闹元宵,各路龙灯汇集竟达百余条,队伍长达二三华里。

    There place Lantern Festival , Separate ways dragon collection were as high as hundreds of articles , team up to23 li .

  16. 铜梁龙灯在漫长岁月中经历了草龙一火龙一正龙一肉龙这样一个演变过程。

    TongLiang dragon lantern in the long years experienced the " grass dragon dragons are dragon one meat dragon " such an evolution process .

  17. 这在诸如武术、龙舟、龙灯、风筝、秋千等传统体育项目中,都有着典型的表现。

    The phenomenon has its typical representation on many traditional sports such as Kongfu , dragon boat , dragon lantern , skating and swing .

  18. 本文对赣闽粤客家打龙灯舞狮子活动的种类形式和文化内涵进行了探讨。

    This paper investigates the cultural connotation and kinds of Hakka " dragon lantern and lion " in Jiangxi , Fujian , and Guangdong provinces .

  19. 在长期的发展演变中,舞龙也形成了许多不同的样式,主要有龙灯、布龙等。

    In the long-term evolution , the dragon has also created a number of different styles , mainly dragon , cloth dragon and so on .

  20. 舞龙灯是中华民族的传统文化活动,很多民族都有舞龙灯的习俗。

    Playing dragon lantern , is a traditional cultural activity of Chinese nation , a lot of nationalities have a custom of playing dragon lantern .

  21. 该部分主要是通过实地调查,了解龙灯扛阁的保护情况及发展的措施,最后阐释对龙灯扛阁发展新探。

    Mainly through the part of the field survey to understand the Court to lift the dragon and the development of protection measures , the final interpretation of the dragon carrying the development of new exploration Court .

  22. 一个小山村龙灯文化的消失过程,反映了国家与民间社会在集体记忆方面分歧、糅合、分离、混杂的历史互动关系的过程。

    The gradual disappearance of the dragon lantern culture in a small village rightly shows the historically interactive relation between the state and a folk society , which is a process of diverging , mixing , coexisting etc in the aspect of collective memories .