
  • 网络Longwang Mountain;Dragon King Mountain
  1. 浙江龙王山昆虫物种多样性研究

    Insect species diversity of Nature Reserve of Mount Longwang

  2. 浙江省龙王山自然保护区生态旅游开发浅议

    Superficially Discussion on Eco-tourism Development of Longwang Mount Nature Reserve in Zhejiang Province

  3. 龙王山鹅掌楸种群的静态生命表

    The Static Life-table of Liriodendron chinense in Longwang Mountain

  4. 浙西北龙王山自然保护区植被的研究

    The study on the vegetation of mount longwang nature reserve in northwestern Zhejiang Province

  5. 龙王山省级自然保护区旅游资源丰富,区位条件优越,客源充足,是开展生态旅游的理想场所。

    Longwang mount nature reserve is an ideal place to develop eco-tourism in that rich tourist resources , advantageous location , potential demand market .

  6. 文章分析了龙王山自然保护区生态旅游资源状况和开发利用条件,提出了生态旅游开发的构想。

    Based on the analysis of eco-tourist resources and developing conditions in this nature reserve , this article puts forward the development conception of eco-tourism .

  7. 最后,以浙江省龙王山自然保护区为例进行了案例研究,以期丰富自然保护区旅游规划理论,并对中国自然保护区旅游开发规划实践有一定的借鉴和指导作用。

    Finally , the nature reserve of Longwang Mountain in Zhejiang province is used as the example to enrich the theory and provide the reference and instruction for the tourism planning .

  8. 与邻近地区的植物区系对比表明,紫金山植物区系与安徽板桥、浙江龙王山植物区系亲缘关系更为亲近,而与泰山植物区系亲缘关系较为疏远。

    Comparing with neighbor flora , it indicated that genetic relation of the flora at Zijinshan is closer to that at Banqiao in Anhui and Longwangshan in Zhejiang than that at Taishan .

  9. 最后就开展对龙王山森林植被的保护、优良乡土树种的选择和林木良种繁育及不同海拔带造林试验等提出建议和看法。

    Finally , the suggestion and points of view were put forward on the protection of forest vegetation , the selection and breeding of good indigenous tree species and afforestation experiment of different altitude belts , etc.