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  • 网络dragon tiger
龙虎 [lóng hǔ]
  • (1) [manner of an emperor]∶形容皇帝的气派

  • (2) [hero; warrior]∶比喻英雄豪杰

  • 皆为龙虎。--《史记.项羽本纪》

  1. 在另一端,索尼公司在黑客攻击事件之前就已经面临困境,尽管它的《龙虎少年队2》(22JumpStreet)和《天堂真的存在》(HeavenIsforReal)非常突出。

    On the opposite end of the scale , Sony 's year was difficult even before it was attacked by hackers , although its " 22 Jump Street " and " Heaven Is for Real " were standouts .

  2. 随着米高梅逐渐恢复元气,以《霍比特人》三部曲、《龙虎少年队》(21JumpStreet)和《机械战警》(RoboCop)等影片提高产量,这些债券持有人得到了回报。

    Those bondholders have done nicely as the studio has recovered , upping its production with films such as the Hobbit trilogy , 21 Jump Street and RoboCop .

  3. 通过HARSVERT-A变频器在大庆龙虎泡取水厂的应用,总结了在水泵节能改造过程中应用大功率变频调速装置的经验和心得。

    With introducition of the HARSVERT-A frequency converter and its application in Daqing Longhupao water treatment plant , some experiences and recommendations are presented out .

  4. 加入DSK锁水抗窜剂的水泥具有速凝、早强特性,能在固井注水泥完成后的10&20min内,达到阻止气窜的胶凝强度,解决了大庆龙虎泡油田固井质量问题。

    Fast setting and early strength were detected , and the cement slurry reached a gel strength which is high e-nough to prevent the gas migration 10 to 20 minutes after cementing , thus improved the cementing quality in this area .

  5. QL-2B型防冻剂在大庆龙虎泡取水泵站工程中的应用

    Application of Anti-freezing Agent in Water Intake Pumping Station in Daqing

  6. 龙虎一样争斗。比喻势均力敌的各方之间,斗争或竞赛十分激烈。

    a fierce struggle between two evenly-matched opponents

  7. 方法:运用龙虎交战治疗;取环跳,风抉为主;

    Methods : to use dragon-tiger warring treatment from central jump , the wind resolutely main ;

  8. 趣味无限野性犹存&当代水彩画家龙虎作品品读

    Taste Infinite , Wildness Preserved & An Interpretation of a Contemporary Water-color Artist Long Hu 's Works

  9. 作为二元结构现象的龙虎崇拜不能割裂考查,也不可能出自图腾。

    The worship of dragon and tiger is a dualistic structure , and it cant be from totem .

  10. 治疗组83例,以龙虎交战手法针刺天宗穴。

    In the treatment group ( 83 cases ), acupuncture was given at Tianzong ( SI 11 ) with dragon ?

  11. 从兴国州域龙虎道教音乐与民俗形态切入,以“龙虎道乐”中的五大声腔为依据,全面考察该乐种“阴阳”二律的辩证思维方法。

    This paper starts with the discussion of the dragon and tiger Daoism music and folk custom form in Xinguo State realm .

  12. 德普当时还未在好莱坞崭露头角,直到1987年才凭借电视剧《龙虎少年队》一炮而红。

    The future star had yet to get a break in Hollywood and would only later , in 1987 , make a splash on television in 21 Jump Street .

  13. 研究区位于松辽盆地北部他拉哈英台大安地区,构造上位于大庆长垣以西古龙凹陷和龙虎泡大安阶地毗邻地区。

    The studied area locates in Talaha-Yingtai-Da'an in the north of Song-Liao basin , and the tectonic location is in the Gulong depression and Longhupao-Da'an terrace in the west of Daqing placanticline .

  14. 目的:观察肝郁气滞型失眠症患者睡眠及心境状态,观察龙虎交战针法治疗肝郁气滞型失眠症的临床疗效,为肝郁气滞型失眠症等身心疾病临床治疗提供一种新的针刺治疗方案。

    Objective : To observe sleep and psychological condition of patients suffering insomnia caused by liver Qi stagnation , and the clinical effect of insomnia of this type treated by " Dragon and Tiger war " method of acupuncture .

  15. 昨天晚上甘龙甘虎还在。

    Last night dragon and tiger Jin were there .

  16. 龙、虎和马的属相最受欢迎,据中国民间说法,这三种力量型的动物往往都与成功密切相关。

    The undisputed favorite is the dragon , often followed by the tiger and the horse an energetic animal closely associated with success , according to Chinese sayings .

  17. 最受人们喜爱的生肖当属龙、虎和马,因为根据中国的民间说法,这三种充满力量的动物往往会带来成功。

    The undisputed favorite is the dragon , often followed by the tiger and the horse - an energetic animal closely associated with success , according to Chinese sayings .

  18. 《太平广记》中的动物故事,以狐为最多,有九卷;其次是龙与虎,各为八卷。

    The animal stories in " Taiping Collections ", to Fox is a maximum , there are nine volumes ; followed by the dragon and tiger , each for eight volumes .

  19. 这一部分知识分子党员,前怕龙后怕虎,经常动摇,主观主义最多,宗派主义不少。

    The intellectuals among our Party members " fear dragons ahead and tigers behind ", they constantly waver and are afflicted with a fair amount of subjectivism and no small measure of sectarianism .

  20. 所覆盖的范围更大绣花图案由太阳,月亮,星星,山,龙,虎,凤来,花,草,云和几何图案。

    The patterns of embroidery covered a larger range , from sun , moon , stars , mountains , dragons , and phoenix to tiger , flower and grass , clouds and geometric patterns .

  21. 农历五月初五,家家户户都开始挂红色饰物,龙香蒲或虎艾蒿,吉祥的红纸蟾蜍装潢窗户。

    putting out cattail dragon or mugwort tiger , and decorating windows with auspicious red paper toad .

  22. 第一章为绪论,着重阐述了有关本课题的研究状况、研究对象及其方法;研究目的及其意义;第二章阐述了中国与韩国有关龙、蛇、虎信仰故事。

    The first chapter of preface focuses on status quo , research objects method , and purpose significance . The second chapter illustrates fables on dragon , snake , and tiger between Chinese and Korean .

  23. 墓门所饰凤凰(朱雀)、铺首且画虎,寓意安宁、吉祥、辟邪和守护,龙与飞廉、龙与虎的组合象征上天;

    The design of the phoenix carved on the tomb gate and the tiger image on the chassis with a ring-handle indicate the peace , luck and counteracting evil spirit and guardian .