
金融证券英语翻译:debt securities or instruments, notes instruments和notes 分别怎么翻译啊?

debt securities or instruments债务证券,债券或者(法定)文书(如合同、契约等)notes instruments和notes:纸币工具和纸币以上回答供您参考!希望对您有所帮助! 杭州图书馆

证券英语:Employees who are "Affiliates" 里面的Affiliates应该怎么理解? 究竟是什么样的员工?

Affiliates 在英语里有“联营”、“加盟”、“挂靠”“分销”的意思,比如“联营子公司”、“加盟单位”、“挂靠单位” == 这种机构与主体单位的关系十分松散,往往是借助主体的实力经营罢了(当然,需要给主体一定的贡献,比如管理费,利润分成,等)。Employees who are "Affiliates" ,是指加盟了证券公司的分销商。

证券英语翻译:在证券发行中,place应该是什么意思? who places the securities directly with investors

句子里的place的意思是:订购(货物);发出(订单等):eg:We placed an order with them for 1,000 pairs of shoes.我们向他们定购了一千双鞋。placing price里的place 的意思同样是 订购。placing price的意思大概就是股票的订价。此外还可以表示: 投资;存款:eg:My daughter placed 2,000 yuan to her credit.我女儿把二千元存在她的名下。很高兴能帮助到你~如果你满意~请选择为满意答案~谢谢支持哈~

证券英语翻译:plain-vanilla common stock是什么意思?

plain-vanilla common stock 指的是普通股。普通股:( ordinary share、common stock) 普通股是指在公司的经营管理和盈利及财产的分配上享有普通权利的股份,代表满足所有债权偿付要求及优先股东的收益权与求偿权要求后对企业盈利和剩余财产的索取权,它构成公司资本的基础,是股票的一种基本形式,也是发行量最大,最为重要的股票。Common stock is a form of corporate equity ownership, a type of security. The terms "voting share" or "ordinary share" are also used in other parts of the world; common stock being primarily used in the United States.It is called "common" to distinguish it from preferred stock. If both types of stock exist, common stock holders cannot be paid dividends until all preferred stock dividends (including payments in arrears) are paid in full.In the event of bankruptcy, common stock investors receive any remaining funds after bondholders, creditors (including employees), and preferred stock holders are paid. As such, such investors often receive nothing after a bankruptcy.On the other hand, common shares on average perform better than preferred shares or bonds over time.[1]Common stock usually carries with it the right to vote on certain matters, such as electing the board of directors. However, a company can have both a "voting" and "non-voting" class of common stock.Holders of common stock are able to influence the corporation through votes on establishing corporate objectives and policy, stock splits, and electing the company"s board of directors. Some holders of common stock also receive preemptive rights, which enable them to retain their proportional ownership in a company should it issue another stock offering. There is no fixed dividend paid out to common stock holders and so their returns are uncertain, contingent on earnings, company reinvestment, efficiency of the market to value and sell stock.[2]Additional benefits from common stock include earning dividends and capital appreciation.希望对你能够有一定的帮助

证券英语翻译:承销类型的代销,助销,包销 的英文都是什么?

代销:Offer for sale or Market on commission 助销:Merchandising 包销:Exclusive Sales

证券英语翻译:plain-vanilla common stock是什么意思?


证券英语翻译:承销类型的代销,助销,包销 的英文都是什么?

代销:Offer for sale or Market on commission 助销:Merchandising 包销:Exclusive Sales


问题一:平安证券有限责任公司 英文怎么说 5分 Ping An Securities pany Ltd. 问题二:平安证券电脑怎么显示英文 登录平安证券怎么显示请求失败,无通道可用,是因为在节假日时,平安证券的系统在维护中,登入通道关闭了。不用理会,到周一早上肯定就能登入。 问题三:平安证券实盘为什么不能买到只剩下一股呢 你好,任何券商,买入最小单位都是100股,不足100股的买单不能提交。卖出时也是最小100股,不足100股的零股,可以在该股票全部清仓时卖出。 问题四:尊敬的客户英文怎么说 Esteemed Customers 例句 本公司将一如既往,努力提供可靠和满意的服务,我们尊敬的客户方面的调查说明如下的基础上,互惠互利。 This pany will, as always, endeavour to provide reliable and satisfactory services to our Esteemed Customers in respet of surveying described as follows, on the basis of mutual benefits. Dear customers 例句 尊敬的客户本公司主要经营:高低压成套器,电力电缆,特种电缆,风力发电项目.质量一第,价格最低,优质的服务. Dear customers of the pany main business: high-Low-voltage, power cables, special cables, wind power generation project. Quality of a section, the lowest price, quality services. 问题五:钱全部存进平安证券里赚钱不 证券要小心,是股票性质,有高风险 问题六:在百度里看到一个名叫平安证券的网站、8800天天涨停板、是骗子吗?可是他提前公布的票第二天真的涨了 这样想可能更理智―― 如果真有这等能人高手,国家证监局恐怕早把他请去帮忙操作中国股市了!!!!! 问题七:苹果5s为什么打不开平安证券 打卡设置---隐私----定位服务----系统服务 把应用程序Genius后面的定位关掉 再重新启动app store