
  1. 贯彻实施失业保险条例的几个问题

    Some Issues on Implementing the Regulation of Unemployment Insurance

  2. 具备《失业保险条例》规定条件的失业人员,领取的失业保险金,免予征收个人所得税。

    Have " unemployed insurance byelaw " the unemployed personnel of rated condition , gotten unemployed insurance gold , avoid grant to impose individual income tax .

  3. 根据国务院《失业保险条例》的规定,城镇企事业单位招用农民合同制工人的,应当为其办理失业保险,缴纳失业保险费。

    According to the state council " unemployed insurance byelaw " regulation , town is enterprise or business unit action makes a worker with farmer contract , ought to deal with unemployed insurance for its , pay unemployment insurance premium .