
  1. WTO《政府采购协议》的采购范围研究

    Research on the Coverage and Scope of Government Procurement Agreement

  2. 第三章集中探讨WTO《政府采购协议》的采购范围问题。

    Chapter three focuses on the coverage and scope of WTO Government ProcurementAgreement .

  3. 《WTO政府采购协议》对政府工程招标采购的影响

    The Influence of World Trade Organization Agreement on Government Procurement Public Project Purchasing by Invitation to Bid

  4. 与WTO的其他协议不同,《全球政府采购协议》没有针对所有WTO成员国制定统一的规则。

    Unlike other WTO deals , the GPA doesn 't set rules that all WTO members need to follow .

  5. WTO《政府采购协议》与我国政府采购法律问题研究

    Study on 《 Agreement on Government Procurement 》 of WTO and the Law Problems of the Chinese Government Procurement

  6. 自2001年以来,中国已经为申请加入《政府采购协议》提出过多份方案,但被美国和欧盟(EuropeanUnion)认为不够充分。

    Since 2001 , China has made offers that have been judged by the U.S. and European Union as inadequate .

  7. 多年来,中国一直表示将加入世界贸易组织(WorldTradeOrganization,简称WTO)的《全球政府采购协议》,加入这一协议的国家必须确保在政府采购项目招标时不对外国公司采取歧视的态度。

    China has said for years it will join the World Trade Organization 's GPA , which assures that nations don 't discriminate against foreign companies in government bids .

  8. 特别是近年来我国正在申请加入WTO的《政府采购协议》,马上又要面临开放政府采购市场的压力。

    Specially in recent years our country was applying to join WTO " Government procurement Agreement ", must face the opening government procurement market immediately the pressure .

  9. 第一,加强对《政府采购协议》和WTO法律规则的研究,完善国内立法;

    The author suggests the following measures be taken against the agreement : Firstly , enhance the study of GPA and other WTO laws and perfect domestic laws and regulations ;

  10. 所以,不论从加入WTO《政府采购协议》的日益接近的要求,还是我国各级政府采购的改革发展,都迫切要求我们大力加强对评标方法的研究。

    In order to fulfill the impending requirements of WTO and accelerate the reformation and development of domestic government procurement , we must strengthen the study of Tendering and Bidding Methods .

  11. 《政府采购协议》(GPA)与WTO中其他的一揽子协定不同,对参加方安排了另行谈判的机会并规定了特殊的非歧视原则。

    Government Purchase Agreement differs from the other all-related agreements of WTO in that it arranges additional negotiation chance for the parties and provides special indiscrimination principles .

  12. 北京方面上周向包括美国、日本和所有27个欧盟成员国在内的《政府采购协议》(gpa)提交了提议。

    Beijing presented its proposal to the GPA which includes the US , Japan and all 27 European Union Member States last week .

  13. 中国商务部副部长王超表示,作为美中商业贸易联合委员会(U.S.-ChinaJointCommissiononCommerceandTrade,简称:美中商贸联委会)年会议程的一部分,中国已寻求加快《全球政府采购协议》方面的磋商。

    As part of the annual U.S. - China Joint Commission on Commerce and Trade , China 's vice minister of Commerce , Wang Chao said that Beijing sought to ' accelerate negotiations ' on what is formally called the Government Procurement Agreement .

  14. 在日内瓦参加世界贸易组织(WTO)会议的各国贸易部长们宣布,在最后一刻克服了欧盟(EU)与日本之间的分歧后,他们修订了42个成员国之间的政府采购协议(GPA)。

    Ministers meeting at the World Trade Organisation in Geneva announced that they had updated the government procurement agreement ( GPA ), a pact between 42 member countries , overcoming last-minute tussles between the EU and Japan .

  15. 《政府采购协议》的非歧视原则及其适用例外

    The Principle of Indiscrimination of Government Purchase Agreement and Its Exceptional Applications

  16. 世贸组织政府采购协议评价

    An Evaluation on the Government Procurement Agreement of WTO

  17. 高校办公消耗用品实行政府采购协议供货的思考

    Consideration about Protocol Supply of Government Procurement and for Office Consumables in University

  18. 总协定政府采购协议

    GATT Agreement on Government Procurement

  19. 本文最后就实践中政府采购协议供货制中供应链管理思想作了部分简要验证分析。

    Finally , the thesis discusses simple facts analysis of supply chain management in government procurement agreement delivering goods .

  20. 第二,利用《政府采购协议》的规定,尽量缩小我国政府采购市场对外开放的范围;

    Secondly , make use of the provisions of GPA and reduces the scope of market opening to the minimum ;

  21. 那些希望加入《全球政府采购协议》的国家需要提出自己加入该协议的方案,并由现有的协议国判断方案是否满足加入条件。

    Countries that want to join the pact make offers and the GPA members judge whether the offer is sufficient to join .

  22. 如果中国成为《政府采购协议》的成员国,那么中资企业竞标美国联邦和州政府的采购合同时会更加方便。

    If China were a GPA member , its companies could have an easier time bidding for U.S. and state government contracts .

  23. 罗马条约、欧盟采购指令和《政府采购协议》对公共采购中的歧视性采购政策进行了法律的控制,然而上述条约和法律也有不尽完善的地方,需要作进一步探讨。

    Roman Treaty , EU-purchase Orders and Government Purchase Agreement have given legal control towards discriminative purchase policy , but they are imperfect and need discussing .

  24. 我国入世谈判过程中,有关国家一直将我国是否签署《政府采购协议》作为一个重要关注领域。

    In the negotiation of our country entering the WTO , the countries concerned have paid close attention to the field whether our country would sign " Government Purchase Agreement " .

  25. 作者认为,加入《政府采购协议》对我国有利的方面是:(1)可以顺应经济全球化的发展趋势:(2)可以健全我国的政府采购制度:(3)可以提高财政效益;

    The author believes that the benefits for China shall be : ( 1 ) conform to the world globalization trend ; ( 2 ) strengthen the government procurement system ; ( 3 ) improve public finance efficiency ;

  26. 本部分对世贸组织的《政府采购协议》、联合国的《示范法》、欧盟的《公共采购指令》以及美、日、韩三国的政府采购监督机制进行了详细的对比说明。

    In this part , the author gives a detailed comparative description of Government Procurement Agreement of WTO , the Model Law of United Nations , the Public Purchase Order of European Union , and the government procurement systems of America , Japan and South Korea .

  27. 我国即将加入《政府采购协议》,许多法律制度与这一现实尚不配套,因此本文找出问题后,也结合问题对目前的先进国际经验进行了简单的介绍。

    China is about to join the ' government procurement agreement ', but many legal systems and realities are not matching , Therefore , the problem is identified here , which is in connection with the problems about the present advanced international experience in a simple presentation .

  28. 除了铁路建设以外,中国还与泰国达成了一项政府间采购协议,购入泰国的大米和橡胶。去年,这两种大宗商品遭遇了供应过剩和价格疲软。

    In addition to the railway development , China has agreed to government-to-government ( G2G ) purchases of rice and rubber , both commodities that have suffered oversupply and weak prices in the last year .

  29. 我国政府适应时代要求,开始了加入WTO《政府采购协议》的谈判。

    My Government is keeping requirements of the times , began to join the WTO " Agreement on Government Procurement " negotiations .

  30. 政府采购市场的开放具有两面性,加入《政府采购协议》既可以享受它国开放市场的好处,也要承担开放本国市场的义务与责任。

    Opening of the government procurement market has been attached more and more importance now , it is just a problem of time to join the " Agreement on Government Procurement " and open our government procurement market .