
  1. 这是因为嘉峪关有着特殊的地理经济条件,导致非农业人口比重很大,所以流动人口较大,使其城市化率变化不稳定,而人均GDP则由于经济的快速发展而持续升高。

    This is because the Jiayuguan has a special geo-economic conditions , resulting in non-agricultural population accounts for a large floating population so large , so that changes in urbanization rate instability , and per capita GDP due to the rapid economic development and continues to rise .

  2. 家庭规模、人均可支配收入、非农业人口比重对住宅价格存在长期的影响,劳动力资源结构、抚养比在短期内影响较大。

    Household size , personal disposable income , the proportion of non-agricultural population bring long-term impact on housing prices , The structure of labor resources , dependency ratio bring a greater impact in the short term .

  3. 1998年,湖南建制镇总数已达1001个,建制镇非农业人口占全省非农业人口比重已上升到45.04%。

    In 1998 , the number of towns in the province was 1001 , with non-agricultural population accounting for more than 45 % of the total provincial non-agricultural population .