
  • 网络Non-profit Organizations failares
  1. 然而,非营利组织失灵也在以多种形式表现出来。

    However , non-profit organization failure is expressing itself in all kinds of forms .

  2. 非营利组织失灵与治理之探讨

    A Research on Non-profit Organizations Failure and Governance

  3. 市场失灵、政府失灵与非营利组织失灵及三者互动的公共服务体系

    Market Failure , Government Failure , Nonprofit Organization Failure and Public Service System Interacted Mutually

  4. 非营利组织失灵的原因主要有:利益的驱动、组织活动经费严重不足、道德的失控、不科学的绩效考评制度。

    The reason that the non - profit organizations failed includ : seeking profit , the serious insufficiency of the organization funds , the morals out of control , the unscientific achievements evaluation system .

  5. 预防和矫治我国非营利组织的失灵,需要从调适政府与非营利组织间的关系、创设组织外部责任约束环境和优化组织内部治理机制三方面入手。

    To prevent and antidote the NPO failure in our country , it needs to adapt the relationship between government and NPO , create and build the external environment of restraint , and upgrade the internal governance mechanisms .

  6. 但是作为第三领域的活动主体非营利组织同样存在着失灵现象志愿失灵。

    However the NPO as the subject of the third domain , also shows its failure & voluntary failure .

  7. 西方的实践经验证明,非营利组织是对政府失灵和市场失灵进行补救的社会良性组织形式,成为一种有组织的社会力量。

    NPO is an organization and political power which supply blanks of government and market as the western countries show .